2cy intermedius LBBG, June 14 2002, Le Portel - Boulogne sur Mer, NW France (50.42N,1.34E).

A third type 2cy LBBG with a pale head and very dark third generation scapulars. This bird is noticeably different from 2cy Dutch intergrade LBBG in its fresh wing-coverts, being almost blackish.

P3 is still old and the tail is in active moult: the inner two tail-feathers are juvenile R3-5 are second generation but lack the white tip and the outer tail-feathers are still growing, clearly showing a white tip in the field. Moult in the rectrice was probably suspended during migration.
The central greater coverts and the upper lesser coverts are still juvenile. As can be seen in the picture, these feathers are largely reduced, leaving a single shaft streak. The very abraded state these feathers are in, indicate which wing-coverts were moulted in the post-juvenile moult.
Tertials #1-2 were moulted in the post-juvenile moult, now showing a brown hue and the fringes worn away. Tertials #3-4 were moulted in a later stage, still on the wintering grounds and the fringes of the tips ared slightly worn. Tertials #5-6 are still juvenile.
Greater coverts #1-3 were moulted in the post-juvenile moult and the show the same state of wear as the upper tertials; #4 has been replaced recently and lacks the brown hue of the older second generation feathers. Greater coverts #5-6 were included in the post-juvenile moult, while #7 and the outer greater coverts are still juvenile. from #11 outwards the coverts appear somewhat fresher, probably since they are more often hidden by the flank feathers.
The exact moult strategy in the median coverts is hard to ascertain but #1 is in a slightly better condition, not showing the extensive brown hue and was probably moulted last on the wintering grounds this spring. Medians #2-4 & #6 were included in the post-juvenile moult last autumn, now showing abraded fringes and a warm brown cast; #5 is missing, as is the complete row of medians from #7 outwards. In the lower lesser coverts #1-2 are missing, #3 is still juvenile, #4 has been replaced this spring and the other lower lessers are missing.
In the lesser coverts 75% is still juvenile, 4 feathers are second generation and about 20% is missing.
The brown feathers in the scapulars and mantle are old abraded second generation feathers, moulted last autumn in the post-juvenile moult. In the lower scapulars 9 third generation dark adult-like feathers are clearly visible and in the upper scapulars another 8 third generation feathers can be seen.
The bill is still very immature, all dark and the iris is dark brown. The orbital ring is still dark and the legs are pink.