Photo 1672: LBBG 2cy, June 18 2002, Papegaaienbek - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. 

Another second type 2cy LBBG with the median and lower lesser coverts recently replaced; the fringes are still buffish.

The bill is all dark, the legs are short and in general it's a small, elegant individual.
Primary moult is at an average stage for 2cy LBBG in the Netherlands, with P5 missing and P6-P10 still juvenile. The tail is still juvenile and one of the inner secondaries has been replaced (note the white fringe and the black centre).
Tertials #3 was included in the post-juvenile moult last autumn. The upper tertials #1-2 were replaced recently (#2 is still growing).
The inner 3 greater coverts were replaced recently as well, while the outer greaters are still juvenile.
The scapulars have a simple pattern of an accentuated dark shaft on a grey-brown base.