2cy intermedius LBBG, June 26 2003, Boulogne sur Mer, NW France (50.42N,1.34E).

A third type 2cy LBBG with a pale head and dark third generation scapulars. This bird is noticeably different from 2cy Dutch intergrade LBBG in its fresh second generation tail and secondaries.

In the right wing: P4 is fully grown, P5 is at half of its length and P7-P10 are still old, juvenile outer primaries. In the tail, R1-R5 are second generation and R6 is still juvenile. The new tail-feathers are fresh second generation, with the white fringe still present. These new feathers were probably moulted not too long ago on the wintering grounds. Later on, moult in the rectrices was probably suspended during migration. In the right wing, the outer secondaries S1-S8 are second generation, while the inner secondaries from S9 inwards are still juvenile. In the left wing, all secondaries have been replaced, as can be seen on the bottom picture. 
The partial moult on the wintering grounds (post-juvenile moult) has been very advanced, including tail-feathers and secondaries. In the wing-coverts, many feathers are second generation as well, and in the mean time, the complete moult has started. The upper tertials has been shed again, while tt2-tt6 are old second generation. In the greater coverts: gc1 is missing, gc2-gc3 are black, most probably third generation and from gc4 outwards the greater coverts are old second generation. The median coverts: mc1-mc6 are old second generation, mc7-mc9 are missing and will probably be replaced for third generation feathers, mc10 and probably also the outer medians are all old second generation. In the lower lesser coverts: all visible lower lesser coverts are old second generation. In the lesser coverts, a few feathers are missing, but most are old second generation.
The brown feathers in the scapulars and mantle are old abraded second generation feathers, moulted last autumn in the post-juvenile moult. A second moult wave was started again, and new feathers appear dark grey, and much adult-like third generation. 
The bill is very immature, most dark with some paler patches and the iris is dark brown. The orbital ring is still dark and the legs are pink.

Birds like this individual are still believed to origin from intermedius colonies. They show much tendency to 2cy fuscus in spring, although nominate fuscus normally includes most of the primaries in the post-juvenile moult as well. All other feather tracts are equally advanced in this individual.