2cy LBBG J7N5 June 28 2003, Boulogne/Mer, NW France (50.42N,1.34E).

A 2cy intermedius, similar in moult strategy to some graellsii with replaced second generation wing-coverts. Rectrices and remiges not included in the post-juvenile moult on the wintering grounds. P2 fully grown, P6-P10 are still juvenile. In the tail: left R1-R3 missing, R4-R6 still juvenile. Right all rectrices still juvenile. All secondaries still juvenile.

The complete moult in the wing-coverts has started as well. The upper tertial has been shed, #2-#5 are old second generation (were included in the post-juvenile moult) and #6 was not seen well enough, but probably old second generation as well. In the greater coverts: gc1 is fresh, gc2-gc6 are old second generation, gc7 is growing, gc8-gc9 are still juvenile, gc10-gc16 are old second generation, gc17 is still juvenile, gc18 and outwards are old second generation. The exact moult strategy in the median and lower lesser coverts is difficult to ascertain, with old second geration feathers, juvenile feathers and missing feathers. In the lesser coverts, four feathers have been replaced in the post-juvenile moult, while all other feathers are still juvenile. About half of the scapulars are third generation.

CR-Code Blue with white code J7N5 Ringing Centre Stavanger
Ringnumber 4226445 Ringer Runar Jåbekk
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus intermedius)
Sex X Age Pull Date 15.07.2002
Place Klovholmene, Mandal, Vest-Agder, NORWAY Co-ordinates 58.01 N - 07.20 E

28.06.2003 Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, FRANCE 50.43 N - 01.37 E