Photo 3: LBBG 2cy, June 17 2001, Naaktstrand - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. 

Many 2cy LBBG start moult of the central and outer median coverts, once arrived from the wintering grounds. As in most 2cy LBBG, the anchor or barred pattern is well-defined on these new feathers.

Here you see a first type 2cy LBBG with dark smudgy markings around the eye and on the flanks. The bill is paler on the base of the lower mandible and with a small white tip.
There are no juvenile feathers in the scapulars and mantle; they are all second generation with a blackish anchor on an almost white base, some already moulted last year. The new scapulars are grey based with dark markings (an anchor patterned or just a black shaft).
The lesser coverts are still juvenile, but the inner lessers show active moult. The median coverts are replaced form outside to inside; moult arrived at the central feathers which are still growing. The inner median and greater coverts have been replaced last year in the autumn moult. Most greater coverts are still juvenile, warm brown.