Photo 7: LBBG 2cy, June 26 2001, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands. 

This is a second type LBBG actively moulting LBBG in first summer. All the median coverts are growing as one row, while the greater coverts are missing. In the folded wing the secondaries are just visible, but when the wings are raised, the secondaries are almost completely visible, all the way to the base. As in many LBBG, the inner two greater and median coverts were already moulted before winter. In the lesser coverts, some new grey second generation feathers are growing in. The scapulars are dark brown, bleached, but where new scapulars appear, its clear these are very dark grey.
The tail seems to be completely juvenile, although R1 and R3 are darker than R2 and show a (worn) white fringe), so maybe the moult of rectrices was arrested. In the wing, P4 is growing and P7 is juvenile: the primary moult score is 21. There is a faint blue hue on the tibia.