Photo 3: Second winter LBBG, October 22 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. 

This is an example of a 2cy LBBG with spaghetti pattern in the (outer) greater coverts. In the inner coverts, upper tertials and scapulars, new 3rd generation feathers are growing in with the same pattern as surrounding 2nd generation feathers. These feathers can be recognized by the white fringe and the buffish base (which will turn paler to almost white when the feathers grow older. 

This is the kind of LBBGs that superficially resembles Yellow-legged Gulls (L. michahellis) in structure as well as in pattern of the fresh coverts (with broad blackish barring contrasting with the pale base. But here, in this individual, the dense barring (spaghetti pattern) in the outer greater coverts is obvious; michahellis often has the broad barring on the entire greater covert bar; but this feature is variable of course). Also, October michahellis in 2cy show grey scapulars in most cases.