Photo 25: LBBG 2cy, October 14 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.

A 2cy LBBG with the following features:

  1. P10 is full-grown and the outer primaries lack obvious white tips and show no mirror;
  2. The visible, outer primaries all lack a white tip;
  3. The upper tertials are plain grey with white tips, but #5 and #6 show spaghetti patterns near the tips, typical for immature feathers. Note that in these feathers the fringes are not really worn, the feathers are still relatively fresh;
  4. In the coverts, many feathers appear brownish and look immature. Note especially the carpal edge, the central and outer greater coverts. Covert moult is in progress in the median coverts and new grey adult-like feathers replace the old brownish coverts;
  5. Winter streaking at the ear coverts and the neck extends at the upper breast;
  6. The basal half of the bill is obvious dark.

Nevertheless, it superficially resembles a 3cy LBBG.