5 images: LBBG 7cyDKC 4271507 August 12 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands (51.33N-03.25E).

Ringed as pullus, on 03 July 1998 at Langøvej 586, Martofte, Syddanmark, DK (55° 34' 49 , 10° 36' 36) at the coastline of Kattegat.

LBBG intermedius adult in complete moult. Primary moult stage: P2 is fully grown, P5-P10 still old, but in the left wing, P8 never reached the final length and only levels at P7. Active wing moult: tertial 1 growing, tertial 2 missing, inner median and greater coverts growing and missing. Orbital ring red, iris yellow without speckling, red on the lower mandible, black on the upper mandible, legs yellow, P9 no mirror in the left wing, P9 small spot on the right wing, P10 small mirror. All rectrices and secondaries old.