Photo 6: LBBG adult intermedius, September 2 2001, ECT parking Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.

A dark individual, with the upper-parts and centres of the primaries almost as dark as the black primaries.

The primary moult score is relatively low, compared with the average adult LBBG by early September in the Netherlands (the average is p6 old, p5 shed by early September). Here, p3 is missing, p4-p10 are still old. Note the extensive brown hue on the upper-parts and old wing coverts, approaching the mahogany brown hue in fuscus, though still probably too "cold brown" and more in line with the average intermedius. The median coverts, some lesser coverts and scapulars have been replaced. The upper tertial has been moulted and shows a clear white tip, tertial #2 is missing and #3-6 are still old lacking the tips which are worn away.

P10 shows a medium sized mirror and the tips of the primaries are hardly visible.