Photo 8a: LBBG 2cy, May 23 2002, Vuurtorenvlakte - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. 

A first type LBBG in first summer showing second generation scapulars and wing-coverts. Those scapulars moulted last are third generation feathers, but nontheless showing a second generation-like pattern. Three lower upper scapulars are grey with an obvious darker (black) centre / shaft with a sub-terminal band. One lower upper scapular is missing. The moult stage is advanced for this age class with all the median coverts moulted in one wave, together with the inner greater coverts. These feathers almost lack the white fringe on the tip, which is almost worn away. The tertials are all juvenile. In the left wing, the outer greater coverts are still juvenile, from #10 outwards. In the right wing all the greater coverts have been replaced very recently for second generation coverts. As can be seen in the image, the second generation greater coverts have a grey base, which becomes slightly pale brown towards the tip nad with a white fringe and broad sub-terminal band. In the tail R1 (central feathers) has been dropped, together with the innermost primary P1. Some juvenile feathers can still be seen in the (outer lesser coverts) carpal edge. The juvenile primaries are pale brown.