Photo 14; LBBG 3cy, May 26 2000 Maasvlakte. 

In some cases correct ageing of immature LBBG is very difficult (even more difficult than in this bird). The primaries of this bird are brown-toned and at least P5-10 don't show any white tip and p10 has no mirror; all indication for 3cy LBBG. Although this combination on itself is not diagnostic for a second summer, it would be rather strange for an third summer. Besides, the wing contains many renewed wing-coverts, a phenomenon more often occurring in second summers. And at last, the flanks still show some dark markings, which is again indicative for second summers.
The tail is probably third generation and acquired during late winter and early spring. Thus, the amount of black on the rectrices applies to second as well as third summer individuals.