18cy LBBG BTO GG-63075 May 31 2002, EMO, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
Ringed as pullus 20 June 1985, now 18cy bird. Ring at Eilean Siar, Outer-Hebrides, GB (56° 46' 48 , -7° 37' 4488).
A female still begging for food May 31 at a male and still without a nest. In the breeding season of 2002 several foreign ringed adults were discovered in the colonies. First data suggest they involve females mostly. This is in line with other researches (e.g. H. Vercruijsse): males return to the original colonies and are bound to the very near vicinity of their original nest, females may disperse. Since many pairs are formed already on the wintering grounds or at stop-overs during migration, the male guide the females to their colony.