Photo 13: LBBG 4cy ???22 , April 30 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France.

This relatively slender built, friendly faced and dark-backed LBBG most probably belongs to the sub-species intermedius. It is metal-ringed, either from Denmark or Sweden, the ring-number ends ...22, and this was all that could be read.
The bill is yellow with an obvious black bill-band, the red gonydeal spot is most obscured by the black, the iris is dark hued, the orbital ring is red and the legs are pale yellow.
The under-wing coverts and the tail are white. P1-6 are black; P1-4 have broad white tips without any wear, P6 has a small white tip which is slightly worn. P7-10 are brown, in good condition (so probably replaced in the complete moult last autumn) and P10 has no mirror. The outer greater primary coverts are brown as well, corresponding with the pattern of the primaries.
The secondaries are second generation-like, with a small group of inner secondaries (app S16-20) older.
The tertials are fresh, adult-like. The greater coverts are adult-like grey, except #8 which is growing and #13 which is old and brown. The median coverts are grey as well, but not fresh and one outer median covert is brown. The same applies to the lower lesser coverts, but here two feathers are old and brown.

This is a nice example of intermedius, showing arrested moult in the primaries. All primaries were moulted in the complete moult in summer and autumn. After arrival at the wintering grounds, the inner six primaries have been replaced again last spring, probably not longer than only two months ago, as these inner primaries are still fresh looking.
Remember that the taxon graellsii may arrest moult in the primaries as well in spring, as is illustrated by T7PF.