Photo 5: LBBG (sub)adult, April 16 2001, Nachtegalenkeet Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.

A rather dark LBBG, approaching some intermedius from Scandinavia in colour of the upper-parts. Normally, the older brown feathers seem to be darker than the recently moulted grey feathers. Here, fresh grey feathers are darker than the old brown feathers.
Note the black band on the bill and the relatively small tips to the primaries. Also, the mirror of P10, just visible from beneath, seems to be small. These features suggest a sub-adult LBBG.
Nevertheless, especially on immature LBBG which might belong to the type intermedius, ageing is not easy; the tips of the primaries may be small, even in full adults with freshly moulted primaries (in that respect resembling fuscus, which also seems to develop smaller tips than graellsii).