LBBG 4cy E119 E, May 12 2002, Naaktstrand, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 

A local 4cy bird, ringed E514 left red. Ringed at the nest at Maasvlakte July 17 1999, now in it's 4cy (third summer). The tail consists of third generation rectrices and the old feathers show a vermiculated pattern. The scapulars are adult-like grey. Tertials 1-2 are grey, tertials 3-6 are typical immature with dark brown patterning. The greater coverts: #1 is grey, #2-3 are immature barred, #4 and outer greater coverts are grey-brown. The median coverts are all adult-like grey but with a very distinct brown-grey hue. The lower lesser coverts are grey with a paler grey tip and a distinct dark shaft. The lower coverts are dark immature, with a pale brown fringe in the carpal edge. The under-parts and the head are white. The legs are pale yellow and there is an obvious bill-band. The black on the bill runs back along the culmen, almost reaching the base. The red gonydeal spot is confined to the lower mandible. Primary p10 has no mirror. P1-3 are adult-like grey, p4-5 have the typical immature brownish inner-web and p4 has extensive sub-terminal black marking on the outer-web, running to the base along the shaft. The secondaries have a sub-terminal band near the tip. P5 has a small white tip confined on the inner-web.

A few red-coloured immatures in 2cy, 3cy and 4cy return to the breeding sites in summer.