Photo 1: LBBG 3cy, June 17 2001, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.

The most common appearance of slowly moulting 2nd summer (3cy) LBBG at the Maasvlakte, the Netherlands in June. Note the distinct saddle, created by grey mantle and scapulars. All coverts are still 2nd generation, deeply notched or barred brown and white. In many birds the lesser coverts will be replaced this summer, leaving the common look of a grey saddle and a grey median covert bar. The tail is still old black, 2nd generation, with a broad sub-terminal band.

The primaries are 2nd generation, without obvious white tips and no mirror on p10, but there is a very small spot visible at the tip of p5 (but this is not uncommon on the innermost 2nd generation primaries).
Note the all brown centre of tertial #4. The scapular coverts are brown-grey centred and have worn white tips.