Photo 10: LBBG 3cy, June 16 2001, Missouriweg,
Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
A second summer LBBG, strongly resembling the common Dutch
intergrades. As said earlier, second summer (3cy) LBBGs normally show a grey saddle formed by
mantle and scapulars. Here, in this individual, most of the upper-parts are adult-like grey, so
the effect of grey scapulars contrasting with the old 2nd generation lesser coverts
is lost. Bare part coloration is much more in line with older immatures,
especially apply to 4cy LBBG (although the iris is pretty dark). In many
3cy, the black bill-band runs back to the base along the culmen, but here
dark markings are reduced to a faint spot at the upper mandible.
The bleached outer primaries are 2nd generation: without tips and no
mirror on p10, while there is a very small spot visible at the tip of p5
(a very common feature in 3cy). It's hard to exclude 4cy LBBG (especially
when these 3cy LBBGs show such advanced upper-parts). Strong clues for correct
ageing are the primaries and secondaries, which are just visible and are brown
centred with an abraded fringe. The 2nd generation
secondaries lack the grey base and nice white trailing edge as can be found in
4cy and older LBBGs.