Photo 8: LBBG 3cy, June 17 2001, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
A straightforward second summer (3cy) LBBG, with the common moult strategy
in the upper-parts, though slightly advanced in having most coverts moulted. A grey saddle is not very obvious because many lesser
coverts are already moulted to adult-like feathers. Furthermore, the older
2nd generation feathers (most in the outer wing coverts) are not as
boldly patterned, lacking the brown-white pattern created by bars or deep
notches in the fringes.
Note the jet-black 2nd generation outer primaries, without tips and no
mirror on p10. The tail has an obvious black-white blocked pattern.
Tertials 1 and 3 are grey and worn, #2 and #4 to #6 are bleached brown, worn at the
fringes. The inner 3 greater coverts are grey and worn; from greater
covert #4 outwards they
are all brown and worn. Most of the median coverts are grey and worn, with
few 2nd generation feathers, which are extremely worn and bleached and a few are
currently growing and mid grey coloured, as in adult LBBGs. The lesser coverts are mixed
2nd and 3rd generation feathers and active moult is in progress. Most of the mantle and scapulars
are grey.