Photo 9: LBBG 3cy, June 16 2001, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. 

A pretty straightforward second summer (3cy) LBBG, although the upper-part moult is quite advanced (yet still not resembling a 4cy as in some (intermedius?) LBBGs. Second summer LBBGs normally show a grey saddle formed by mantle and scapulars. Here many of the lesser coverts are already moulted to adult-like feathers, so the extreme division between 2nd generation coverts and grey saddle is lost. Active moult is continuing in the coverts: some inner and central median, some central greater and some inner and central lesser coverts are plain adult-like grey. One tertial has been replaced recently by a new adult-like feather which is grey centred with a large white tip. The bare part coloration is typical for 3cy LBBG.

The outer primaries are 2nd generation, without tips and no mirror on p10, but there is a very small spot visible at the tip of p5 (but this is not uncommon on the innermost primaries). In the field the inner primaries and secondaries appeared to be 2nd generation.
Note that the lower tertials, though grey, are already abraded.