Photo 5: LBBG sub-adult summer, June 17 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
Many sub-adult and adult LBBGs moult the head feathers
by mid June, as can be seen
around the eye, where feathers are missing.
This individual shows a combination of classical old 4cy primaries and 3cy characteristics in the upper-parts. The primaries have small white tips (reduced or absent at the
outermost primaries) and a mirror on p10 (which is only very limited and the
borders hardly reach the edge of the primary). Clearly, these are 3rd
generation flight feathers.
In the wing coverts, the greater coverts are a mix of very bleached and abraded outer feathers and
a grey adult-like feather in the centre. In the median coverts, #3 and #4
were recently moulted as well (e.g. in the inner half of the median covert row), as are some lesser coverts in the
carpal edge. These feathers appear very adult-like grey. But still, many coverts are brown,
The same applies for the scapulars and tertials.
The bill has a hint of a black band on the upper mandible and the orbital
ring is somewhat orange, not particular coral red as in most (adult) LBBGs.
This LBBG is moulting the head feathers, but in the upper and under-parts moult seems to be suspended; there are no gaps in the body feather rows.