Photo 2: LBBG 3cy, October 13 2001,
Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
A typical 3cy LBBG:
- The tips of p6 and the outer primaries have
very small tips and p10 has a small sized mirror (visible in the field);
- The lowest tertials have extensive spaghetti
pattern, while the upper tertials appear very adult-like with a grey centre
and a white tip. Sometimes these white tips may be confined to one web;
- The innermost greater coverts are all grey,
but all other greaters are brown, with a pronounced black shaft streak.
- The fresh tail feathers are almost entire
white, but show small black markings;
- The bill has a broad black bill-band and a
pinkish basal half;
- As in many immature LBBG, the head streaking
is well developed and obvious, creating an executioner's hood in some
Compare this 3cy individual with a similar 4cy