Photo 7: LBBG 3cy, October 22 2001,
Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
Another example of a 3cy LBBG:
- P6-p7 are full-grown and p8 is just beyond the
tip of p7. The small white tips are still visible at these fresh primaries,
but will wear away quickly;
- The upper tertials have a grey centre
and a white tip (confined to the inner web). Tertials #5 and #6 still
have spaghetti pattern, typical for 3cy birds;
- Both abraded and fresh coverts are grey,
without a hint of immaturity;
- The bill has black markings on both the upper
and lower mandibles (but this may be seen in older birds as well);
- Streaking on the head and neck create a
executioner's hood.