Papers on Gulls

(last update: 12-1-2007)

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Larus fuscus
Is it possible to identify Baltic and Heuglin’s Gull?

Chris Gibbins

In Birding Scotland 2004

The primary moult of the Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus).

Peter Stewart

Severn Estuary Gull Group 2006

Moult plates coming with: The primary moult of the Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus).

Peter Stewart

Severn Estuary Gull Group 2006

The changing status of the Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus in Ireland.

G.A. Creme, P.M. Walsh, M. O’Callaghan & T.C. Kelly

In Biol and Envir Proc of the Royal Irish Academy 1997

Parental condition, brood sex ratio and differential young survival: an experimental study in gulls (Larus fuscus).

R.G. Nager, P. Lonaghan, D.C. Houston & M. Genovart

In Behav Ecol SocioBiol 2000

The influence of colour-rings on recovery rates of Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

C. B. Shedden, P. Monaghan, K. Ensor and N. B. Metcalfe

In Ringing and Migration 1985

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Intra-specific interactions influence egg composition in the Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus).

N. Verboven, N.P. Evans, L. D’Alba, R.G. Nager, J.D. Blount, P.F. Surai & P. Monaghan

In Behav Ecol SocioBiol 2005

Identification update: moult variability in 3rd calendar-year Lesser Black-backed Gulls. (draft)

T. Muusse, M. Muusse, B-J. Luijendijk & R. Altenburg

In Birding World 2005

Larus argentatus Raum - Zeit - Strategien der Silbermowe Larus argentatus und verwandter Taxa im westlichen Ostseeraum

Ronald Klein

Dissertation Universitat Rostock 2001

Variably plumaged Icelandic Herring Gulls: high intraspecific variation in a founded population.

Richard R. Snell

In The Auk 1993

Identifying the sex of Massachusetts Herring Gulls by linear measurements.

Daniel R. Evans & Paul M. Cavanagh

In J Field Ornithol 1995

Scandinavian Herring Gulls wintering in Britain.

J. C. Coulson, P. Monaghan, J. E. L. Butterfield, N. Duncan, K. Ensor, C. Shedden & C. Thomas

Ornis Scand. 15: 79-88.

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Intergradation between the Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) and the Southern Herring Gull (Larus cachinnans) in European Russia.

E.N. Panov & D.G. Monzikov

In Russ J Zool 1999

Reduced availability of refuse and breeding output in a herring gull (Larus argentatus) colony.

Mikael Kilpi & Markus Ost

In Ann Zool Fennici 1998

Unequal sex ratio’s and their consequences in Herring Gull (Larus argentatus).

Joanna Burger & Michael Gochfeld

In Behav Ecol SocioBiol 1981

Comparative biology and behavior of monogamous pairs and one male-two female trios in Herring Gulls.

Mary A. Fitch & Gary W. Shugart

In Behav Ecol SocioBiol 1983

Is asynchronous hatching adaptive in herring gulls (Larus argentatus)?

Lars Hillstrom, Mikael Kilpi & Kai Lindstrom

In Behav Ecol SocioBiol 2000

Other taxa
Carotenoid coloration in Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus reflects individual quality.

Kai O. Kristiansen, Jan O. Bustnes, Ivar Folstad & Morten Helberg

In Journal of Avian Biology 2006

The “Chandeleur” Gull, origins and identification of Kelp x Herring Gull hybrids

Donna L. Dittmann & Steven W. Cardiff

In Birding 2005

Sexual differences in the external measurements of Black-tailed Gull breeding on Rishiri Island, Japan.

Michiyo Chochi, Yasuaki Niizuma & Masaoki Takagi

In Ornithol Sci 2002

Removal of primary remiges and its effect on the flying ability of Glaucous-winged Gulls.

Nicolaas A.M. Verbeek & Joan L. Morgan

In Condor 1980

Slow rate of Evoloution in the Mitochondrial Control Regions of Gulls (Aves: Laridae).

Pierre-Andre Crochet & Eric Desmarais

In Mol Biol Evol 2000

Molecular phylogeny and plumage evolution in gulls (Larini).

P-A. Crochet, F. Bonhomme & J-D. Lebreton

In J Evol Biol 2000

Genetic differentiation at nuclear and mitochondrial loci among large white-headed gulls: sex-biased interspecific gene flow?

P-A.Crochet, J.Z. Chen, J-M. Pons, J-D. Lebreton, P.D.N. Hebert & F. Bonhomme

In Evolution 2003

Systematics of large white-headed gulls: patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in western European taxa.

P-A.Crochet, J-D. Lebreton, & F. Bonhomme

In The Auk 2002

Age-specific survivorship in relation to clutch size and fledging succes in Carlifonia Gulls.

Bruce H. Pugesek

In Behav Ecol SocioBiol 1987

Birds of a feather flock together.

Peter Rock

In Envir Health Journ 2003

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