Slaty-backed Gull (schistisagus) / オオセグロカモメ / 큰재갈매기

(last update: December 2015)

Kim Seog-min (South Korea)
Hideo Shimura (Japan)
Peter Adriaens (Belgium)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Slaty-backed Gull (schistisagus) 2nd cycle (2CY), September 15 2009, Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan. Picture: Hannu Huhtinen.

Active complete moult, moulting to 2nd cycle. Inner and outer greater coverts replaced, moult gap in central greater coverts closing. Last old juvenile wing-coverts to be found in the upper row of lesser coverts (carpal edge will be replaced last). P10 still old juvenile, very worn. P1-P7 new. Dark iris, pale base on bill. Moult in rectrices and secondaries, block of central secondaries still old, juvenile.