Slaty-backed Gull (schistisagus) adult, Kuril Islands, eastern Siberia. Picture: Peter Adriaens.Please also visit Peter's Pbase account and his Picasaweb albums for many more pictures! Adult Slaty-backed Gulls collected on the Kuril Islands, eastern Siberia, in summer - with adult Great Black-backed Gull for comparison of upperpart grey tone (top left). Collection of the Zoological Museum in Moscow, Russia. Birds 9 and 10 are suspected hybrids; they show paler grey upperparts and dark grey rather than blackish outer primaries, and are therefore suspected to be hybrids with Glaucous-winged Gull. Primary pattern otherwise similar to Slaty-backed Gull though. Below: birds 9 and 10 again. Now compared to adult Glaucous-winged Gulls collected in Alaska and Kamchatka in summer, and to adult Great Black-backed Gull (top left). Collection of the Zoological Museum in Moscow, Russia.