Slaty-backed Gull (schistisagus) / オオセグロカモメ / 큰재갈매기

(last update: December 2015)

Kim Seog-min (South Korea)
Hideo Shimura (Japan)
Peter Adriaens (Belgium)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Slaty-backed Gull (schistisagus) 2nd cycle (2CY), October 02 2007, Isohama, Tsuri-shihama, Japan. Picture: Shigenobu Aizawa.

Please visit Aizawa's Blog for many more pictures!

Autumn second cycle bird, with 2nd gen flight feathers. Last stage of complete moult, with P9 fully grown, P10 growing. In this laste stage of the complete moult, a subsequent replacement of several wing-coverts and/or upper tertials may be started in some birds; this individual has fresh inner GC and single inner MC.