Slaty-backed Gull (schistisagus) / オオセグロカモメ / 큰재갈매기

(last update: December 2015)

Kim Seog-min (South Korea)
Hideo Shimura (Japan)
Peter Adriaens (Belgium)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

hybrid Glaucous-winged x Western Gull (glaucescens x occidentalis) 2nd cycle (2CY), October 28 2011, Elwha River Mouth, Clallam Co. - Washington, USA. Picture: Steve Mlodinow.

Please visit Steve's Flickr photostream, for many more images. And also Dave Appleton's blog on hybrids!

Dark on primaries more extensive than pure GW Gull and back a bit darker than one would expect for GW Gull.