Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Leon Kelder
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Merijn Loeve
Mars Muusse


Caspian Gull cachinnans D|E 1CY, June 17 2021, De Kreupel nest KG 21, the Netherlands. Picture: Leon Kelder.

Blue tibia ring b[D|E], ringed as pullus Larus cachinnans on May 14 2021 at nest r-02P4 /KG 21 in colony De Kreupel, the Netherlands.
ID certain, 2 parents are Caspian Gull cachinnans, one ringed in Poland.

No pictures of b[D|E], although it may be the bird flying away in the image below right.

date: egg no: width (mm): length (mm): volume (cm3):      comments:
10-4-2020 --           Two adults, including female from Poland.
8-5-2020 C 50,2 72,4 132,49     2 pulli & 1 egg; pulli ringed.
8-5-2020 pullus NLA 5.545.417 & p[F1] -- 51.1 19.9 75  
8-5-2020 pullus NLA 5.545.418 -- 50.6 19.8 69 Too small for colour ring.
21-5-2020 pullus NLA 5.545.417 & p[F1] 100.0 90.7 38.1 558  
21-5-2020 pullus NLA 5.545.418 & p[F=] 98.0 89.4 37.1 517 Colour ring added.
21-5-2020 pullus NLA 5.545.432 83.5 85.7 36.0 440 New, probably C-chick.
12-6-2020 juvenile NLA 5.545.418 & p[F=]         B-chick p[F=] is dead.
26-6-2020 juveniles Two adults with two fledged juveniles.
date: egg no: width (mm): length (mm): volume (cm3):      comments:
9-4-2021 A egg 51.2 74.1       r[02P4] & unringed adult male at nest.
  B egg 49.0 67.2       3 eggs.
  C egg 51.1 78.7
23-4-2021 eggs 3 eggs in nest.
    Attempt to trap adult at nest. Successful: r[02P4] trapped and new ring attached.
    metal: tibia: wing (mm) head + bill tarsus bill
  adult Gdansk DN31202 Red-K.G 445.0 126.0 65.3 59.1
    mass (gr) Moult score bill height grey scale Swob  
    858 10x0 17.1 5.5 1083  
      WING: HEAD + BILL: TARSUS: MASS (gr):  
14-5-2021 pullus NLA 5.556.747 & b[D|E] 86.0 83.1 54.1 433 2 chicks outside nest, ringed.
  pullus NLA 5.556.748 & b[D|G] 73.0 82.5 54.8 439 No eggs. What happened to 3rd chick?
  prey 5x Cormorant eggs; 1x Coot egg; 1x leg of pullus Grey-lagged Goose.
20-5-2021 pullus Shit traces all over the place, but chicks not found.
    Alarming adults over nest location.
17-6-2021 juvenile 2 juveniles near nest, one is b-D|G.
  adult Unringed male & female r-K.G present.