Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Herring Gull argenteus AC / BB 1CY, July 2024, colony Lelystad, the Netherlands.

Tibia ring BW-BB and metal ring Arnhem NLA 6.235.910, ringed as pullus Larus argentatus on June 25 2024 at Lelystad (Bataviahaven), the Netherlands. Ringer: Mars Muusse (Roland-Jan Buijs ringing team).

15-07-2024 Lelystad (Bataviahaven), Flevoland, NL 5.230,00 N 525,00 E colourring read Thijs Horst
18-07-2024 Lelystad (Bataviahaven), Flevoland, NL 5.230,00 N 525,00 E colourring read T. Horst & M. Muusse
24-08-2024 Almere (De Vaart), Flevoland, NL 5.224,00 N 514,00 E colourring read Eric Roeland
14-09-2024 Almere (De Vaart), Flevoland, NL 5.224,00 N 514,00 E colourring read Eric Roeland

Data for this bird:

date darvic metal location / nest# species sexe age wing mass head+ bill
25-06-2024 b/w-BB .6235910 dam 1 west Herring 1CY 269 959  

below: Herring Gull argenteus AC / BB 1CY, July 15 2024, colony Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst.

Chicks b/w-BA & b/w-BB.