Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Leon Kelder
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Merijn Loeve
Mars Muusse


Cachinnans - nest Lelystad 034

General remarks:

  • Eggs: Volume measured by Stonehouse (1964) and Spaans & Spaans (1975), which make comparison possible with data from Texel (Camphuysen pers comm 16.04.2020).
  • Nest 034 positioned at breakwater 1, called "branch-nest" (3 white stripes on dead branch), between y[PNED] and T-split. Two meters from nest 33.
  • In 2024: nest "rode flap": at blocks, just west of open tarmac, was 'nest with the branch 2022', now with red flag and black root-cloth.
  • ID in 2020 certain, male is Caspian Gull cachinnans, female is Herring Gull argenteus.
  • Same pair in 2021.
  • Same pair in 2022.
  • Same pair in 2023.
  • ID 2024: male and female are Caspian Gull cachinnans.
location May 7th, 2020: nest location - stripes on branch. March 23rd, 2021: nest location - stripes on branch. March 27th, 2022: nest location - stripes on branch, coded 130.
nest May 7th, 2020: 3 eggs. March 27th, 2022: 3 eggs. April 12th, 2024: 3 eggs clutch: "Roodflapje".
  April 21st, 2024: Caspian breeding at "Roodflapje". April 21st, 2024: 3 eggs clutch: "Roodflapje". .
partner 1 May 7th, 2020: female argenteus. May 7th, 2020: female argenteus x male cachinnans. March 23rd, 2021: female argenteus.
partner 2 May 7th, 2020: male cachinnans. May 7th, 2020: male cachinnans. March 23rd, 2021: male cachinnans.
  March 27th, 2022: male cachinnans. c March 27th, 2022: male cachinnans.
  April 26th, 2023: male cachinnans. April 23 2024: female at nest. April 23 2024: male guarding.
pullus May 21st, 2021: pullus b[F|8]. May 21st, 2021: pullus b[F|9]. May 21st, 2021: pullus b[F|+].
  May 30th, 2022: one dead chick in nest. May 30th, 2022: one chick ringed r-7.G. August 19th, 2022: Almere, r-7.G fledged.
  June 18 2024: chick g-A|0. May 7th, 2024: chick g-A|2. May 7th, 2024: one egg infertile.
food May 14 2024: Roach. June 04 2024: fish bolus by g-A|0. .

Visits and data.

date: egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on May 7th:  
07-05-2020 A 50,8 70,3 91,34 90 - tip at bottom. 3 eggs in the nest, one partner argenteus, one partner cachinnans.
  B 49,8 73,9 92,28 90 - tip at bottom.  
  C 47,3 76,3 85,95 90 - tip at bottom.
      sum nest: 269,57    
21-05-2020 eggs     Still 3 eggs present.
24-03-2021 2 adults at this location.
06-05-2021 2 adults guarding at blocks. Red flag "71" placed to mark location.
  egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on May 6th:  
  A 50,7 74,5 96,42 90 - tip at bottom.  
  B 50,3 70,3 89,56 90 - tip at bottom.  
  C 50,4 71,1 90,93 90 - tip at bottom.  
      sum nest: 276,91    
13-05-2021 no visit, Camilla is trapping a Spoonbill.
15-05-2021 nest with 3 eggs. Flag put up again, for it was not visible.
    metal ring plastic head + bill:    
28-5-2021 pullus .5559422 b-F|8 64    
  pullus .5559423 b-F|9 52    
  pullus .5559424 b-F|+ 62    
08-06-2021 1 adult at this location. All 3 chicks fledged. 100% success.

Visits and data 2022 for nest 34 (coded 130 on bitumen in 2022):
Estimation egg laying: A-egg = April 20 2022. Estimating hatching = May 18 2022.

    length (mm) width (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on April 27th:     
27-04-2022 A egg 70,9 48,3 -- 20 gr - tip bottom    
  B egg 73,6 50,3 -- 40 gr - tip bottom    
  C egg 73 49,2 -- 40 gr - tip bottom    
One parent is cachinnans (partner 1)  
17-05-2022 female Herring Gull argenteus next to nest.
  A egg: in tact.
  C egg: with small hole.
  B egg: hatched
    metal darvic mass wing H+B bill
30-05-2002 pullus NLA 5625188 r-7.G 454 80 79,9 33,2
One pullus dead in nest.
28-06-2022 image of r-7G. Together with female Herring gull and sibling (unringed).
12-07-2022 image of r-7G.
17-07-2022 image of r-7G.
dam: dam 1 blocks
location: Western part of blocks. Nest is same as 34/130. Code 130 on bitumen, branch with 2 stripes.
breeders: cach x teus
9-4-2023 nest: no eggs but nest is ready.
26-4-2023 eggs: 1 egg. Not measured, really cachinnans?
nest: Branch with 2 stripes is now rotten. Placed in front of nest, visible from N-side.
11-5-2023 eggs: 3 eggs, not measured. Is this the wrong nest?
27-5-2023 nest: The branch with 2 stripes taken away, and placed vertically at (new nest) 26. We will skip nest 34 this year.

Visits and data 2024.

NEST code parent 1 parent  2 A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST:
  cach   71,3 50,2 90,47 71,1 50,2 90,21 66,4 49,5 81,92 262,60
034-2024 # eggs A-egg hatch # ringed chicks # all chicks # fledged chicks comments
  3 8-4-2024 3-5-2024
dam: dam 1 blocks
location: Nest "rode flap": at blocks, just west of open tarmac, was 'nest with the branch 2022', now with red flag and black root-cloth.
parents? same as 2023?
ring pulli: 09-May
date darvic metal location / nest# species sexe age wing mass head+ bill bill tarsus gonys greyscale
07-05-2024 g-A|0 .5631235 34 PONT 1CY 125          
07-05-2024 g-A|2 .5631236 34 PONT 1CY 84          
14-05-2024 g-A|0 .5631235 34 PONT 1CY 349   CONTROLL      
14-05-2024 g-A|2 .5631236 34 PONT 1CY 272   DEAD      
04-06-2024 g-A|0 .5631235 34 PONT 1CY 274 811 112,8 CONTROLL      
12-04-2024 eggs: 3 eggs, measured. 
21-04-2024 eggs: 3 eggs, not measured. 
adult: Caspian Gull incubating.
07-05-2024 eggs: 1x cold, probably infertile
chicks: 2x ringed.
14-05-2024 chicks: CONTROLL 2 chicks.
food: Roach 2x
31-05-2024 chick: g-A|2 dead <1 days.
04-06-2024 pullus g-A|2 dead. Rings removed.
  chicks: g-A|0 present, measured.
  food: fish bolus by g-A|0 when processed.
18-06-2024 chick: g-A|0 present.