Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Caspian Gull cachinnans NLA 5.517.117 3CY-7CY, July 2020 - March 2024, De Kreupel - C, the Netherlands. Picture: Leon Kelder, Merijn Loeve, Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

General remarks:

  • Alarming pair, on July 17 2020, late in the season at island "C". Nest labeled C21.
  • No nest coded in season 2021, but may already have started breeding? May start breeding here next year?
  • In 2020, one unringed partner is sub-adult bird (4CY).
  • In 2020, other partner is 3CY ringed bird: metal NLA Arnhem 5.517.117, ringed as pullus Larus cachinnans at colony De Kreupel (Island C) on June 08 2018. Measurements wing = 225.5, Head = 114.8, Mass = 990 gr.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans NLA 5.517.117 7CY, March 03 2024, colony De Kreupel, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans NLA 5.517.117 5CY, April 14 2022, De Kreupel - C, the Netherlands. Picture: Merijn Loeve.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans NLA 5.517.117 3CY, July 17 2020, De Kreupel - C, the Netherlands. Picture: Leon Kelder.

This is the first record of a Dutch bird ringed as pullus showing interest in the native colony. In fact, it returned to "island C", the exact island where it was ringed as pullus.