Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.B 1CY-2CY, May 2022 - July 2023, the Netherlands & France. Picture: Maarten Hotting, Thijs Horst, Mars Muusse & Geoffroy Chabot.

Red tibia ring r[7.B] and metal NLA 5.625.183, ringed as pullus Larus cachinnans at nest n[F|N] on May 30 2022 in colony Lelystad, the Netherlands. Ringer: Roland-Jan Buijs/Albert de Jong.

15-08-2022 Lelystad (Oostvaardersdijk), Flevoland, NL 5.228,00 N 519,00 E colourring read Willem van der Waal
15-01-2023 Tarnos (Haven), Landes, FRANKRIJK 4.331,00 N 130,00 W colourring read Geoffroy Chabot
27-04-2023 Lelystad (Bataviahaven), Flevoland, NL 5.230,00 N 525,00 E colourring read Thijs Horst
19-06-2023 IJsselmeer (De Kreupel), Noord-Holland, NL 5.247,00 N 513,00 E colourring read Leon Kelder
25-06-2023 Markermeer (Marker Wadden), Flevoland, NL 5.235,00 N 522,00 E colourring read Maarten Hotting
14-07-2023 Markermeer (Marker Wadden), Flevoland, NL 5.235,00 N 522,00 E colourring read Maarten Hotting

ID certain in 2022: mother is Caspian Gull cachinnans, father is 4CY (hybrid?) Caspian Gull cachinnans n[F|N].

12-04-2022 Cachinnans-type n-F|N guarding high on dam 2.
01-05-2022 Cachinnans-type n-F|N walks from nest in small bush, high on dam 2. Below him is nest 061Z.
  Cachinnans female landed next to n-F|N, and this femaler is ringed on tarsus! (in retrospect: never seen again this bird).
04-05-2022 Two adults at nest. Female cachinnans and 4CY n-F|N.
  3 eggs egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on May 4th: 
    A egg 49,9 74 -- --
    B egg 47,9 68,5 -- --
    C egg 50 71 -- --
09-05-2022 3 eggs. We trapped n-F|N at the nest. No measurements taken.
17-05-2022 3 eggs.
22-05-2022 3 eggs.
30-05-2022 n-F|N at nest. 2 chicks.
  pullus metal darvic mass wing H+B Bill
    .5625183 r-7.B 87 25 53,9 18,4
  pullus 1 pullus dead in nest.
02-06-2022 Cachinnans-type n-F|N defending nest.
17-06-2022 Cachinnans-type n-F|N at nest.
21-06-2022 Nest empty, Chick r-7.B not found in vegetation.
12-07-2022 Photographed r-7.B.
  In 2022 one chick ringed in this nest: r-7.B.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.B 2CY, July 14 2023, Markermeer, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Maarten Hotting.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.B 2CY, April 27 2023, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.B 2CY, January 12 2023, Tarnos - Landes, France. Picture: Geoffroy Chabot.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.B 1CY, July 12 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.B 1CY, May 30 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Mars Muusse.

r[7.B] cachinnans from nest n[F|N]. Picture: May 30th, 2022.
Ringed May 30th. No confirmation on 2 other eggs.