Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.F 1CY-3CY, May 2022 - April 2024, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst, Harry Kuipers, Mars Muusse & Daanjan Wisselink.

Red tibia ring r[7.F] and metal NLA 5.625.118, ringed as pullus Larus cachinnans at nest 26 on May 17 2022 in colony Lelystad, the Netherlands. Ringer: Roland-Jan Buijs ringing team.
ID certain, both parents are Caspian Gull cachinnans.

30-05-2022 Lelystad (Bataviahaven), Flevoland, NL 5.230,00 N 525,00 E captured by ringer Albert de Jong
23-05-2023 Hasselt (Zeldenrust), Overijssel, NL 5.234,00 N 605,00 E colourring read G.J. Gerritsen
30-06-2023 IJsselmeer (De Kreupel), Noord-Holland, NL 5.247,00 N 513,00 E colourring read Leon Kelder
30-03-2024 Lelystad (Bataviahaven), Flevoland, NL 5.230,00 N 525,00 E colourring read Harry Kuipers & Thijs Horst
11-04-2024 Wijhe (Buitenwaarden), Overijssel, NL 5.223,00 N 608,00 E colourring read Daanjan Wisselink

Visits and data 2022 for nest 26:
Estimation egg laying: A-egg = April 15 2022. Estimating hatching = May 13 2022.

  egg no: width (mm): length (mm): volume (cm3):       
15-04-2022 A 48,7 72,0 --   1 egg.  
sub-adult Caspian near nest.
19-04-2022 sub-adult Caspian near nest.  
  egg no: 3 eggs.        
27-04-2022 A - - tip bottom - 90      
  B 49,6 70,2 tip bottom - 70    
C 50,0 72,5 tip bottom - 90
17-05-2022 pullus 5625117 2 days old.        
  pullus 5625118          
1x egg: infertile.  
    metal colour mass wing head + bill Bill
30-05-2022 pullus 5625117 r-7.E 612 126 95,7 38,1
  pullus 5625118 r-7.F 522 96 88,2 36,6
1x egg: infertile.  
02-06-2022 r7E & r7F present.
17-06-2022 r7E & r7F present.
21-06-2022 r7E & r7F present
28-06-2022 r7E & r7F present
12-07-2022 r7E & r7F present
  Male cachinnans 4CY & female cachinnans.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.B 3CY, May 14 2024, Lelystad colony, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.F 3CY, April 11 2024, Wijhe, the Netherlands. Picture: Daanjan Wisselink.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.F 3CY, March 30 2024, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Harry Kuipers.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.F 1CY, July 17 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.F 1CY, July 12 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.F 1CY, June 28 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

r[7.F] cachinnans from nest 26. Picture: May 30th, 2022.
Fledged. Sibling r[7.E] also fledged. 3rd egg infertile.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans 7.F 1CY, June 21 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.