Larus cachinnans in Poland

(last update: August 01, 2021)

Marcin Przymencki
Klaudia Litwiniak
Mars Muusse


Caspian Gull cachinnans: Warszawa-Mokotów

Warszawa-Mokotów: 52°10'37.7"N 21°03'32.7"E
The only Polish Caspian Gull colony on a rooftop, located in the capital of Poland. Mixed colony on block of flats in Warsaw (Mokotów district), which holds a mixed colony of Caspian Gull with Herring, Yellow-legged and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

Breeding species:

  • Larus cachinnans
  • Larus argentatus
  • Larus fuscus
  • Larus michahellis

above: location of the colony, rooftop of this dwelling block in Warszawa.

The first roof-top nesting by Caspian Gulls were observed in Warsaw Mokotów district in 2018, although large gulls have been nesting there since at least 2013. Herring, Yellow-legged and Lesser Black-backed Gulls breed in conspecific, heterospecific and mixed (i.e. including probable hybrid individuals) pairs (table below). In this colony gulls nest on roof-tops of a 6-floors apartment blocks (see picture below). The roof is covered by small gravel stones.

In 2018 another roof-top colony with breeding Caspian Gulls was discovered in Warsaw, in Targówek district. Exact breeding numbers of Caspian Gull are unknown, but the colony hosts about 30 gull pairs. Caspian Gull numbers estimate 33%, and the most abundant breedig gull species is Herring Gull. A few pairs of Common Gull breed here too. This colony is situated on a roof-top of a large hall. Gulls have been recorded breeding here in season 2019, 2020 and 2021, and throughout this period, species composition did not really change.

Species in breeding pairs 2018 2019 2020 2021
L. cachinnans × L. cachinnans 2 2 1 3
L. argentatus × L argentatus 6 6 6 6
L. cachinnans × L. argentatus - - 1 1
L. cachinnans × L. michahellis 1 1 - -
L. fuscus × hybrid L. argentatus × L. fuscus? - - 1 1
L. fuscus × unknown 1* - - -
Table 1. Species composition of Warsaw Mokotów roof-top colony during surveys in 2018–2021 (*presumed breeding, a bird was attacking people visiting the colony and was present during the whole season, but the nest was not found).

below: impression of gulls at rooftop.

location Warszawa-Mokotów.

Active map with colonies.

The first records of roof-top nesting by Caspian Gulls Larus cachinnans in Poland with reference to other cases in Europe.

Jan Rapczyński , Klaudia Litwiniak, Marcin Przymencki

IN: Ornis Polonica 2021, 62: 243–259

Caspian Gull cachinnans(?) pullus, May 14 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Caspian Gull cachinnans 5CY, May 14 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Caspian Gull cachinnans adult, May 14 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Caspian Gull cachinnans adult, May 14 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Caspian Gull cachinnans adult, May 14 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Herring Gull argentatus adult, May 14 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Herring Gull argentatus adult, May 14 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Herring Gull argentatus 372P 4CY, May 14 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Lesser Black-backed Gull adult, April 2020 & May 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Lesser Black-backed Gull 4CY-5CY, April 2020 & May 2021, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Jan Rapczyński.
Yellow-legged Gull michahellis near-adult, July 2018, Warszawa-Mokotów, Poland. Picture: Michał Kucharski.