Herring Gull- Zilvermeeuw (argentatus & argenteus)(last update: December 15, 2011
Herring Gull (argenteus) NLA 6.173.886 1CY & 4CY, November 2014 & October 2017, Katwijk, the Netherlands.Local bird ringed metal Arnhem NLA 6.173.886, ringed as pullus (sex unknown) on July 06 2014 at Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland, NL (5158.00N, 401.00 E), by ringer Roland-Jan Buijs. below: Herring Gull (argenteus) NLA 6.173.886 4CY, October 26 2017, Katwijk, the Netherlands.Brown wash on greater primary coverts. P8/-. below: Herring Gull (argenteus) NLA 6.173.886 1CY, November 10 2014, Katwijk, the Netherlands.Scapular moult: US=100%, LS=100%, TOT SCAPS=100%. The partial autumn moult in argenteus (moult from juvenile plumage into so-called "first winter" plumage) includes the scapulars, body and head feathers. This moult starts as soon as the nest is abandoned (late June) and continues until January. In general, the head turns paler on throat and forehead. The breast will turn paler as well. The feathers on belly and vent will still be juvenile in most 1cy argenteus by November. From July onwards, juveniles replace the mantle and upper scapulars, moulted to second generation feathers, showing an anchor pattern and a dark base. The lowest row of scapulars are still juvenile by March in most 2cy birds from northern origin (contra e.g. michahellis). Notched pattern on the juvenile lesser, lower lesser and median coverts, although the medians have paler centres. The juvenile greater coverts show a 'piano-key' pattern; less distinct (darker centred) on the outer greater coverts. The tertials have obvious notched pale fringes. |