IJmuiden Project - Fred Cottaar, José Verbeek, Maarten van Kleinwee & Mars Muusse

(last update: January 01, 2023)

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NLA 5.514.544
Lesser B-backed Gull
female, adult
ringed: May 10 2019
Forteiland IJmuiden, Zuidwestvlak
Y.DRN offspring 2023
Y.DTD offspring 2023
'yellow' offspring 2020
Y.DCH offspring 2020
Y.CMP offspring 2017
unringed male, partner 2024
Y.BVA male hybrid, 2023
Y.BVA male hybrid, 2022
Y.BVA male hybrid, 2021
Y.BVA male hybrid, 2020
Y.BVA male hybrid, 2019

Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.CTX adult, May 2019 - May 2020, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

Ringed as breeding adult in season 2019 at Forteiland, IJmuiden. Ringed by Fred Cottaar ringing team.
Partner is hybrid g-Y.BVA, which had an unringed partner already in 2016-2018 (which may well be the later, in 2019, ringed g-Y.CTX). Faithful pair, both in partner choice and location, breeding at the very same spot in the colony back-to-back seasons, until g-Y.BVA suddenly didn't turn up anymore after May 30 2023. Despite being single parent, g-Y.CTX managed to raise both chicks in 2023 (very unusual).

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.CTX >5CY, May 11 2020, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.CTX >4CY, May 10 2019, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.