Photo 1: LBBG 2cy, June 26 2001, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands.

The ordinary Dutch first type LBBG with very much streaking on the under-parts and on the head.

This time of the year, many 2cy LBBG shed the greater coverts all in once, exposing the secondaries. Here, the median coverts are very fresh and have a barred pattern. In the lesser coverts, many gaps are present; clearly the moult is still going on in this feather-group. Most scapulars are old and show wear in the fringes, yet their pattern is pretty plain brown-grey. Those scapulars moulted more recently have an anchor pattern on a grey base.
The upper tertials are second generation.
The tail is still juvenile, but three feathers are missing.
In the primaries: P6 is missing, P5 growing: moult score is 24.
The moult stage is, in general, pretty much like this supposed intermedius, but patterns on new feathers give a totally different impression.