first calendar year: July

Last update of this page: 01-08-05 08:53

General notes on 1cy LBBG July

In July many Dutch juvenile LBBG are leaving the colony. They spread to the sandy beaches near the colonies and disperse along the coast. Year 2003, the first juvenile LBBG arriving at Westkapelle at June 30, the earliest date ever. At the beaches, 100's of juveniles can be found, in the colonies, some nests still contain three young pulli. Some juveniles already start moulting the upper scapulars.

1cy LBBG research 2004: 2nd generation feathers in juveniles

Year 2001 and 2002 we checked adult LBBG in the Maasvlakte and Dintelhaven colony. While doing our surveys, we noticed several juveniles with what we though to be second generation scapulars and wing-coverts. Such early replacement of wing-coverts, while the young were still begging at their parents for food within the colony, was the reason for starting a more intensive research. The tables below present some surveys, which initialized our 2004 research.


new and/or missing mantle, scapulars, coverts and tertials in (still begging) juvenile LBBG in the Maasvlakte colony 16.08.2001 (n=32).
mantle scaps covs/tertials #
0 0 0 4
? 0 0 8
0 1-5 0 2
? 1-5 0 7
0 6-10 0 2
1-5 1-5 0 1
1-5 1-5 1-5 3
? 1-5 1-5 1
0 6-10 1-5 3
? 6-10 1-5 1


start of post-juvenile moult:
in (still begging) juvenile LBBG near the Maasvlakte colonies (<300 meters). Samples from July 13 2002 (with over 500 juveniles at single sites).
In this sample the number of shed scapulars has beens scored, normally in the lower upper scapular region (see Section Bird Topography for explanations). In the field, it's hard to establish whether mantle feathers have been shed (although fully grown second generation mantle feathers may be recognized).
When scapulars are missing this implicitly means new second generation scapulars are growing in, as the old feathers are 'pushed out' by the new ones.
Note that fledged juveniles may show odd moult patterns, but in any case growing p9 and p10 seems to to finish the complete juvenile moult. In the mean time, with p9 and p10 growing, odd birds may still miss the outer greater coverts (from #10 outwards), or may miss median coverts (normally #3-6), may miss the inner greater coverts (#1-5), may miss the central tail-feathers (R1) or may miss feathers in the lowest row of lower scapulars.
score Dintelhaven Papegaaienbek
compl juv 40 47
worn juv 5 4
1-5 miss 3 -
6-10 miss - -
11-20 miss - -
n: 48 51
compl juv: complete juvenile plumage in recently fledged juveniles, so no wear in the fringes and in some birds p8 is still the longest primary, with p9 and p10 growing (by this time many birds leave the nest site and disperse to near sandy beaches.
worn juv: juvenile plumage with worn fringes in the (rear) wing-coverts and the scapulars and mantle feathers. The upper two tertials may show wear as well. In almost all birds, p10 is fully grown now.
1-5 miss: 1-5 scapulars have been shed.
6-10 miss: 6-10 scapulars have been shed.
11-20 miss: 11-20 scapulars have been shed. New feathers are growing in.
Dintelhaven: score from location Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.57N,04.03E). See Maasvlakte map.
Papegaaienbek: score from
location Papegaaienbek - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.57N,04.03E). See Maasvlakte map.


juvenile LBBG in July, ringed in the Netherlands. (53523 bytes)LBBG 1cy TE, July 13 2002, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
juvenile LBBG in July, ringed in the Netherlands. (40465 bytes)LBBG 1cy ET, July 14 2002, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
juvenile LBBG in July, ringed in the Netherlands. (64680 bytes)LBBG 1cy C91E, July 31 2003, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
juvenile LBBG in July, ringed in the Netherlands. (57624 bytes)LBBG 1cy C96E, July 31 2003, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
6429overview.jpg (67474 bytes)LBBG 1cy, July 13 2004, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Juveniles may stand motionless on the tarmac roads. 
7218e37.jpg (109907 bytes)LBBG 1cy E37E, July 23 2004, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
5415e40.jpg (105426 bytes)LBBG 1cy E40E, July 04 & 13 2004, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
6401e45.jpg (119935 bytes) LBBG 1cy E45E, July 13 2004, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
6430e52.jpg (82244 bytes)LBBG 1cy E52E, July 13 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands. E52 red, hit by a car.
6415e54.jpg (118640 bytes)LBBG 1cy E54E, July 13 - 23 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands.
5465e55.jpg (91065 bytes)LBBG 1cy E55E, July 04 2004, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. E55 red, or what remains of it...
5474markruud.jpg (80349 bytes)LBBG 1cy, July 04 2004, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Ruud Altenburg & Mark van Leeuwen. Over 150 birds ringed this afternoon with Norman, Theo, Ruud, Mark and Mars.
5470norman.jpg (71521 bytes)LBBG 1cy, July 04 2004, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Norman van Swelm.
5395e786e788.jpg (124189 bytes)LBBG 1cy E786E & E788E, July 04 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands.
5740e799.jpg (126972 bytes)LBBG 1cy E799E& E800E, July 11 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands.
7100e792.jpg (111858 bytes)LBBG 1cy E792E, July 23 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands. Nest 106.
6231e63e64.jpg (112448 bytes)LBBG 1cy E63E & E64E, July 13 - 23 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands.
7273e68.jpg (109936 bytes)LBBG 1cy E68E, July 23 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands.
6529e74e76.jpg (119233 bytes)LBBG 1cy E74E & E76E, July 13 2004, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
7069bord.jpg (83431 bytes)LBBG 1cy E84E, July 23 2004, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
6658e78e81e85.jpg (114241 bytes)LBBG 1cy E78E, E81E  & E85E, July 13 - 23 2004, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
6835e163.jpg (110721 bytes)LBBG 1cy E163E, July 17 2004, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
6005team.jpg (109575 bytes)LBBG 1cy, July 11 2004, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Remaining project juveniles of category II & III ringed today to darvic.