lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad Jan lbbg adult January |
(3 images) LBBG 1cy E799E & E800E July 11 - August 06 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands. E800E 6cy, May 2009 Moerdijk. E799 has the left wing completely juvenile, with gc 2 displaced. E800 has some wing-coverts displaced in the right wing, but all scapulars and coverts still juvenile. One rear lus seems to be missing, but in the scores for 1cy LBBG research, it's only visible new feathers that are scored (to avoid counting damaged feathers, broken at the basal half. The remainder is not visible in such cases. (below) LBBG 1cy E800E, July 11 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands. (below) E800EAugust 06 2004, Dintelhaven, the Netherlands. A bird ringed left red E800, right yellow E. Bird in complete juvenile plumage, although one lower lesser covert missing and two scapulars missing. (below) 6cy E800E May 08 2009, Moerdijk, the Netherlands. Now adult. |