Photo 15: LBBG intermedius(?)
June 17 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
Here, a LBBG with extremely fresh primaries, a very uncommon feature in June, since
and intermedius moult
the primaries in October (p10 normally full-grown in November, see adults
in winter plumage. Bare parts, tail, wing and body plumage adult, without signs of
Apparently, some Dutch intergrades and some intermedius
like this one,
return from the wintering grounds with brand new primaries. In this
respect they resemble eastern races in spring, like heuglini and vegae,
which finish primary moult in the winter quarters. Unlike these races, we
did not come across adults with a defined division between inner and outer
primaries (though immatures may show this feature, see the sub-adult
and 3cy sections).