Photo 2: LBBG sub-adult summer (4cy?), June 16 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. 

Here the opposite of picture 1: no mirror on p10, but small white tips on the outer primaries visible. Note the black spots in the tail and the dark iris. It resembles a 3cy in many respects.

It is a slow moulting 4cy bird, resembling this 3cy in some respect, with still some dark markings on the bill and a relatively dark iris for this age-class. Also, the upper-part moult seems to be more in line with 3cy LBBG, since there are many brown based feathers, in particular in the lesser coverts. The tertials are very immature as well, with dark grey centres.
Nevertheless, the white tail without any black spots and the jet-black primaries with obvious white tips advocate 4cy LBBG. In the field, no white tip was visible on p10. In most cases a very small spot that doesn't reach the inner or outer web edge is visible on 3rd generation primaries.
In this individual primary moult still didn't start: moult score 0.