Mediterranean Gull (L. melanocephalus)

(last update: June 11, 2012 )

Mediterranean Gull adult ALLT August 28 2014, Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage.

Green ALLT, ringed as adult on May 23 2009 at Pionierinsel - Niedersachsen - Germany (53.035N 9.36E).

20 06 09 - Pionierinsel Niedersachsen J.Hartmann - 53 35 N 09 36 E
08 07 09 - Le Portel Pas-de-Calais F.Cavalier - 50 42 N 01 34 E
22 05 10 - Pionierinsel Niedersachsen nest nr 99 C
27 07 10 - Le Portel Pas-de-CalaisR.Flamant
17 01 11 - Le Pont du Hable Calvados G.Vimard - 49 23 N -1 01 W
24 02 11 - Morsalines, "La Redoute"Manche S.Crestey - 49 34 N -1 18 W
31 03 11 - Pionierinsel Niedersachsen M.Haupt
25 07 11 - Boulogne-sur-Mer, plage Pas-de-Calais F.Cavalier - 50 44 N 01 36 E
03 08 11 - Wissant, plage Pas-de-Calais R.Flamant - 50 54 N 01 41 E
02 12 11 - Grandcamp Maisy Calvado sF.Leclerc - 49 24 N -1 02 W
03 08 12 - Wissant, plage Pas-de-Calais R.Flamant
23 07 13 - Le PortelPas-de-Calais R.Flamant
17 05 14 - Pionierinsel Niedersachsen J.Steudtner
17 05 14 - Pionierinsel Niedersachsen S.Hinrichs
24 05 14 - Pionierinsel Niedersachsen new colour ring
24 05 14 - Pionierinsel Niedersachsen T.Demuth
03 06 14 - Pionierinsel Niedersachsen T.Demuth
24 07 14 - Parking RoRo, Le Portel Pas-de-Calais JM.Sauvage - 50 44 N 01 35 E
14 08 14 - Parking RoRo, Le Portel Pas-de-Calais JM.Sauvage

From June to September, a complete moult takes place, into so-called "adult winter" plumage. The head pattern resembles the pattern in first winter birds, with blackish mask behind the eye. The mantle, scapulars, tertials and all the wing-coverts are replaced for plain pearl-grey feathers. The secondaries are completely white. The adult primaries are shiny pearly-grey, flashing white at a distance. There is a black line along the outer-web of P10 (and sometimes on P9 as well). Secondaries, under-wing and tail all completely white. The bare part coloration in adult plumage: Iris brown, orbital ring red or orangey-red, the bill red or orangey-red with a black bill-band and a yellowish tip and the legs dull reddish or dark. There is some variation in 3cy and 4cy wing-tip patterns.

This bird is in complete moult, with outer primaries still old.