Mediterranean Gull (L. melanocephalus)
(last update: June 11, 2012) |
Jean-Michel Sauvage
Pim Wolf
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Med Gulls adult
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adult Mediterranean Gull, March 08 2008. Picture: J.M. Sauvage.
Mediterranean Gulls used to breed in a restricted area in the countries north of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and east to Dagestan. When Karel Voous wrote his Atlas of European Birds (1965) the distribution of this species was so limited that he suggested that it might be heading for extinction. Since the late 1980’s this species has spread north and the world population has increased spectacularly. It now breeds regularly in Belgium, the Netherlands, England, Ireland, Hungary and Poland. After the breeding season, Mediterranean Gull disperse westwards and can be found south along the Moroccan Atlantic coast and along the coasts of the Mediterranean. Large flocks congregate at the beaches of Boulogne-sur-Mer (NW France) from August to October, later moving southwards. In early spring tens of thousands can be seen at Cambrils on the north-eastern coast of Spain.
There are three distict periods to describe the presence and geographic distribution of Med Gulls in France:
1965-1975 In the Camargue, which is the only site for this species in France, a maximum of 2 couples raised chicks.
1976-1988 This colony gradually increased to 50 couples.
1989-1996 expansion up to 750 couples.
 Babin Island - Ukraine, craddle of the entire European population. |
Since the 1930s, the main Med Gull colonies were located in the N.P. Chernomorskyi Tendra Bay (Black Sea) on the northwest coast of the Black Sea in the south-western Ukraine. Since the 1970's, this reserve hosted almost all of the world population of the species. After reaching a maximum of 336.000 pairs in 1983, the population of the Bay of Tendra fluctuated extremely. The current population is at a much lower level with 60.000 pairs in 1994.
International situation: The origin of the species were long edges of marshes along the Black Sea. The species was threatened with extinction after the war, with only 6200 pairs in 1952. What followed can only be described as an explosion of the population, with already 42.000 pairs in 1957 and 336.000 in 1985. The species arrived in Hungary in 1940 and also in Austria; the Netherlands in 1959; Belgium in 1964; Britain in 1968; Italy in 1978; and Spain in 1987.
Source: Proceedings of the 1st international meeting on mediterranean gull, Le-Portel, Pas de Calais, France, 4-7 September 1998.
Most images on this page were taken at Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42. 20 N,01.34.03 E). Le Portel is known to be one of the best sites to see Mediterranean Gulls with numbers exceeding 3.000 individuals during some autumns. As can be seen in the images, many individuals are colour ringed or metal ringed, and come from Mediterranean Gull populations from all over Europe. Colour-ringing Mediterranean Gulls started in The Netherlands in 1989 with only a handful of birds. Twenty years on thousands of birds have been colour-ringed and at the start of 2008 there are tens of projects all over Europe.
Mediterranean Gull is a medium sized gull, with an intense black head in adult summer and rather pale grey upper-parts. Easy clues for identification and ageing in Mediterranean Gull are the median coverts and outer primaries. Most of the description below follows P.J. Grant: "Gulls, a guide to identification".
From June to September, a complete moult takes place, into so-called "third winter" or "adult winter" plumage. The head pattern resembles the pattern in first winter birds, with blackish mask behind the eye. The mantle, scapulars, tertials and all the wing-coverts are replaced for plain pearl-grey feathers. The secondaries are completely white. The adult primaries are shiny pearly-grey, flashing white at a distance. There is a black line along the outer-web of P10 (and sometimes on P9 as well). Secondaries, under-wing and tail all completely white. The bare part coloration in adult plumage: Iris brown, orbital ring red or orangey-red, the bill red or orangey-red with a black bill-band and a yellowish tip and the legs dull reddish or dark. There is some variation in 3cy and 4cy wing-tip patterns.
adult Mediterranean Gull, March 11 2010. Picture: J.M. Sauvage.
The next moult in Mediterranean Gull is again a partial moult, from December to March-April and includes body and head, leaving birds in so-called "adult summer" plumage. The head develops a jet-black hood, extending down the nape. Adult birds have broad and contrasting white crescents above and below the eye. The bare part coloration in adult plumage: Iris brown, orbital ring coral red, the bill scarlet red often with a thin black bill-band and a yellowish tip and the legs red.
Adult Mediterranean Gulls have established several new colonies on the northern borders of their distribution. They now breed regularly as far west as Britain and north to the Netherlands and Poland. Ring recoveries demonstrate that in spring adults may do a tour of Europe visiting colonies on the way and moving on quickly when the local breeding circumstances are not completely satisfactory. A nice example is white 24R, a bird ringed as adult on the nest in the Netherlands in May 1998. As so many Mediterranean Gulls, this individual has usually spent the period from late-summer to early spring at Le Portel. In between it has looked for breeding locations in the Netherlands, Belgium and Hungary. Despite intensive searches in the Zandvliet colony, it doesn't seem likely that 24R has ever bred here. In four consecutive years, this colony was visited early in the breeding season when it also functions as a roost, but there have been no records after late April. The sightings in Hungary in 1999, when it was definitely breeding, and at the end of the breeding season in 2007 are interesting. There are no sightings from the breeding season in other years but it seems that this bird has permanently switched to breeding in eastern Europe. This life-history also demonstrates how easily birds may travel within Europe. The sightings in July 2007 show that they navigate without difficulty to the main moult and feeding-location of Le Portel in NW France, where autumn groups always include some eastern Mediterranean Gulls from Italy, Poland, Hungary and even the Ukraine.
A summary of the records for White 24R/9AP to illustrate the magnitude of recoveries and distribution, with thanks to P.L. Meininger, R. Flamant and C. Duponcheel of the Mediterranean Gull colour-ring programme:
• ringed May 27 1998 to July 01 1998 at Hellgatsplaten, the Netherlands (3 records)
• from July 23 1998 to February 27 1999 at Le Portel, France (27 records)
• from April 03 1999 to April 14 1999 at Zandvlietsluis, Belgium (7 records)
• June 17 and 18 1999 at Mekszikópuszta, Hungary (2 records)
• from July 30 1999 to March 07 2000 at Le Portel, France (12 records)
• from April 08 to 12 2000 at Zandvlietsluis, Belgium (3 records)
• from July 25 2000 to March 10 2001 at Le Portel, France (26 records)
• from April 17 to 23 2001 at Zandvlietsluis, Belgium (5 records)
• from July 25 2001 to October 10 2001 at Le Portel (11 records)
• April 01 to 17 2002 at Zandvlietsluis, Belgium (4 records)
• from July 26 2002 to March 15 2003 at Le Portel (17 records)
• March 23 2003 at Berendrecht, Belgium (close to Zandvlietsluis), re-ringed 9AP
• from July 30 2003 to October 16 2003 at Le Portel, France (8 records)
• from February 10 2004 to February 27 2004 at Le Portel, France (4 records)
• from July 30 2004 to October 26 2004 at Le Portel, France (12 records)
• February 23 2005 at Le Portel, France
• from July 28 2005 to February 2 2006 at or near Le Portel, France (37 records)
• from July 27 2006 to November 3 2006 at Le Portel, France (19 records)
• July 10 2007 at Mekszikópuszta, Györ-Sopron, Hungary
• from July 19 2007 to February 19 2008 at Le Portel, France (15 records)
 Impression of a mixed resting flock of Mediterranean Gulls, with Black-headed, Herring, Common, Great Black-backed, Lesser Black-backed and Yellow-legged Gulls in the evening of 06 February 2003, at the Rolo Parking of Boulogne/Mer, NW France.
Where do coloured ringed Mediterranean Gulls come from:
Sky Blue: (code 1 letter (R) and 2 numbers) Martin Boschert, Bühl - Germany, fax: +49-72.23-90.01.07., e-mail:, e-mail:
note 1: until 1999 some 145 rings have been placed from which 85 light-blue and 23 green.
note 2: the sky-blue is quick used and turns into 'white', therefore greens rings have been used since 1999. As first letter is used A,C,M, E,H,J and a second letter is used A,C,EH,J,K,L,M,N,P,R,T,V,W,X,Y. As number is used 1 till 9, but the number 0 is not used.
Dark Blue: white code (1 letter and 2 numbers) and recently (4 letters, the first is always I). Dark-blue rings 0AAA to 0CZZ. Instituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica,
note 1: in 2007 a new country code has been used: 0 (zero) instead of I, followed by 3 letters (on 0A... and 0B... the zero has a dot in the middle).
Dark-blue ring white code (5000 to 5018). Joan Ferrer Obiol, Apt. de correus 50, SP-43350 Les Borges del Camp, Tarragona, Spain. e-mail : Albert Cama i Torrell.
e-mail :
note 1 : birds were ringed during winter 2006 at Cambrils, Spain.
White ring code (2 numbers and 1 letter, 1 number and 2 letters since 1999). White ring with code (3-letter-number-number).
Camille Duponcheel, 10 La Maladerie, 59181 Steenwerck, France.
e-mail: with cc to Renaud Flamant
note 1: after 14 years of encoding by Peter Meininger, the leader of this project, Camille Duponcheel has taken over.
note 2: ringed as pulli have the white ring on the left tarsus, adults on the right.
note 3: all sightings will be rewarded with a fully updated life history. Life histories of all birds ever sighted by one observer can be obtained (via e-mail only) through
note 4 : from 2005 onwards, white rings with a 4 alphanumeric code are used in Belgium and The Netherlands. The code is a “3-letter-number-number” (e.g. 3A56). In 2005 some 400 colour-rings were used in Belgium and 100 rings in NL.
note 5 : during the summer 2006 in Denmark 20 birds have been ringed by Lars Hansen with a white ring coded cipher/letter/cipher/cipher.
Note 6 one white ring has been used in Poland, with black code T01N.
Yellow: (code 2 numbers / 1 letter)
Peter Findley, Kent - Britain, e-mail:
note 1: this project is running in the United Kingdom since 1996.
note 2: a few birds have been ringed in Ireland.
note 3: new codes used are 2A00-2A99 for Britain and 2E00-2E99 for Ireland. |
Red ring with white code (letter (P) and two numbers) or number/letterP/number). Red ring with white code (letter (P) and letter (A) and letter/number (note 3) . Monika Czyzak, e-mail:
note 1: used codes are P00-P99 new codes are 0P0-9P9.
note 2 : birds with ‘a-typical’ codes are T121, T081, T078, T1333.
Red ring with white code (3E1-5E0 ; S01-S99). Jan Svetlik, e-mail:
note 1: these rings have been used from 2001 onwards on chicks and breeding birds.
Red ring white code (81A-92A ; 7E1-7E9 ; 01E-50E). Josef Chytil,
Red ring white code (letter (H) and 3 numbers) and (letter (H) and 3etter/letter/number (note 2). e-mail: or
Red ring white code (4 or 3 alphanumeric code). Karcza Zsolt, Hungarian Bird Ringing Center, Költo 21, 1121 Budapest, Hungary. e-mail: or
note 1: this project is running in Hungary since 1994, with some 500 rings in the period 1994-96 coded H101-H999.
note 2 : used letters are HU.., HY.., HA.., HL.., HF.., HT.. from 2004.
note 3: during the following years these codes could be used: 00L-99L, V00-V99, 0V0-9V9, 00V-99V, X00-X99, 0X0-9X9, 00X-99X and Y001-Y100 for Serbia-Montenegro.
note 4: some extra details on the red rings. H454-H470 : Serbia-Montenegro by Josef Gergely ; HA00-HA99 ringed from 1998 onwards ; 00A-99A from 1998 onwards with 81A-00A in the Czech Republic by Josef Chytil ; EOO-E99 from 1999 onwards : 0E0-9E9 from 1998 onwards with 3E1-5E0 in the Slovak Republic by Jan Svetlik and 7E1-9E0 in the Czech Republic by Josef Chytil ; 00E-9EE from 2001 onwards with 01E-50E in the Czech Republic by Josef Chytil ; K00-K99, 0K0-9K9, 00K-99K, L00-L99, 0L0-9L9 from 2002 onwards.
Black ring white code (letter U (horizontal) and 3 numbers vertical), or with white code (letter U-letter-number-number) or with white code (number-letter-number or number-number-letter or letter-number-letter). Renaud Flamant, 23 rue de l'Orme/Olmstraat, 1040 Brussels, Belgium. : e-mail:
note 1: rings have been used in '94 and from '97 onwards (except '01).
note 2: in 1994 296 rings have been used in Ukraine (in collaboration with Antonina Rudenko & Tatjana Ardamatskaya).
note 3: from 1997 on, black rings have been used in Greece (in collaboration with Vassilis Goutner) and Turkey (in collaboration Suhendan Karauz).
note 4: from 1998 onwards, black rings have been used in Ukraine (in collaboration with Antonina Rudenko (Black Sea Biosphere Reserve), Valery Siokhin and Alexander Matsyura (Sivash).
note 5 : during summer 2006 in Greece 140 birds have been ringed by Vassilis Goutner ; code is 2 letters and 2 numbers.
Black ring 4 digit code, starting with O (with or without a ‘dot’). Instituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica, e-mail:
note 1 : since 2006 : 0AAA to 0ZZZ (only on the first 400 rings the zero has a dot in the middle: bad idea, everybody read it as 'B', so - from 0CAA on - the zero is a real zero).
Green ring white code (letter A, C or J, E, and P and 2 numbers) - used in France - Green ring with white code (letter R and 3 numbers or letter R and 2 numbers and 1 letter) - used in France - Green ring with white code (number/letter/number) - used in France - Green ring with white code (2 numbers and 1 letter (A,E,J,K,L,M,R,T,U,Y)) - used in Belgium - Green ring with white code (3-letter-letter-number) - used in Belgium . Camille Duponcheel, 10 La Maladerie, 59181 Steenwerck, France. e-mail: with a cc to Renaud Flamant when sent by e-mail
For extensive notes on this project see
note 1: the French and the Belgian projects are respectively running since 1991 and 2000. Around 850 and 750 green rings have been respectively used in France and Belgium until 2001.
note 2: all sightings will be rewarded with an up-to-date life history. Fully updated life histories of all birds ever reported by one observer can be obtained from Renaud Flamant (only via e-mail).
Green ring white code (AA + letter + letter).
Local responsible persons : Andreas Zours, Otterhaken 5, D-21107 Hamburg, Germany and Dr. Martin Schlorf, Geesmoor 31, D-22453 Hamburg. e-mail : AND
note 1 : for birds ringed in the Hamburg-area : AExx and AHxx where x means a letter out of A C E H J K L N R S T U Y Z.
Green ring white code (AC + letter + letter) or with white code (letter / number / letter). Dr. Martin Boschert, Bioplan - Institut für angewandte Biologie und Planung GbR, Nelkenstrasse 10, D - 77815 Bühl, Germany. e-mail :
note 1 : from 1999 till 2005 in Germany Med. Gulls were ringed at 5 places with a code (letter / number / letter) starting with A1A (in the Uppêr Rhine Valley) and M1A (near the river Elbe).

Small group of adult Mediterranean Gulls on the beach of Le Portel - NW France, preparing to leave this wintering quarter for the breeding grounds. Considering the green ringed bird in the front, these adults breed among others in Belgium and northern France. March 2003.
Summary of all British Ringing Recoveries for Mediterranean Gull from BTO data
Below BTO presents information on recoveries of Mediterranean Gull that have been ringed or recovered in Britain & Ireland. The table summarises the number of birds that have moved between other countries and then gives a selection of recoveries. In the two columns are listed the number of birds ringed abroad and found in Britain & Ireland and the number of birds ringed in Britain & Ireland and found abroad. NOTE: Some older records (mostly pre-1979) of foreign ringed birds recovered have not been computerised so these will not appear in the table. We aim to add them in due course.
A selection of recoveries are given in full because they represent particularly long-lived birds (the national longevity is indicated with a link to details of this record), birds which have moved a long distance within Britain and Ireland, birds which have gone to, or come from countries with few such recoveries, or because few birds of this species have been recovered. For birds that have moved more than 20km a link is provided to a map showing ringing and finding locations. Ringing location is marked by a blue (R), finding locations are numbered in sequence. If there are more than ten finding locations, subequent markers will be labelled (x). Finding markers are coloured red for birds found dead and green for birds seen alive, for those where this is not known the marker will be white. NOTE: If a bird is found multiple times at the same site only one marker will be visible, though a darker shadow to the marker will indicate the presence of more than one recovery at that location.
Country |
Ringed in |
Found in |
Azores |
0 |
3 |
Belgium |
1,027 |
10 |
Czech Republic |
16 |
0 |
Denmark |
6 |
0 |
France |
189 |
14 |
Germany |
100 |
2 |
Hungary |
342 |
0 |
Italy |
2 |
0 |
Norway |
2 |
0 |
Poland |
128 |
0 |
Portugal |
0 |
1 |
Slovakia |
3 |
0 |
Spain |
0 |
2 |
The Netherlands |
183 |
7 |
Ukraine |
1 |
0 |
Yugoslavia |
16 |
0 |
The British longevity record for Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus: 15 years 3 months 7 days |
EN84043 |
Adult |
26-02-1991 |
Copt Point, Folkestone: 51°5'N 1°12'E (Kent) |
Caught by ringer |
02-06-2006 |
Berendrecht: 51°21'N 4°19'E (Antwerpen) Belgium 219km E 15y 3m 7d (Map) |
A selection of interesting recoveries: |
Nestling |
06-06-1989 |
Slikken Van de Heen: 51°38'N 4°12'E (Zeeland) The Netherlands |
3443664 |
Dead |
21-07-2002 |
Allhallows, Rochester: 51°28'N 0°38'E (Kent) 247km W 13y 1m 15d (Map) |
Full-grown |
27-06-1989 |
Feherto, near Szeged: 46°20'N 20°5'E (Csongrad) Hungary |
338850 |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
26-11-2001 |
Swalecliffe: 51°22'N 1°4'E (Kent) 1,498km WNW 12y 4m 30d (Map) |
Nestling |
28-05-1998 |
Lillo, Solvay: 51°19'N 4°17'E (Antwerpen) Belgium |
E223260 |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
16-11-1998 |
Great Yarmouth Harbour: 52°36'N 1°43'E (Norfolk) 226km NW 0y 5m 19d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
02-11-2009 |
Great Yarmouth Beach: 52°35'N 1°44'E (Norfolk) 225km NW 11y 5m 5d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
01-12-2009 |
Great Yarmouth Beach: 52°35'N 1°44'E (Norfolk) 225km NW 11y 6m 3d (Map) |
Nestling |
22-06-1994 |
Szeged-Feherto: 46°20'N 20°5'E (Csongrad) Hungary |
357928 |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
31-03-1996 |
Rye Harbour: 50°56'N 0°45'E (Sussex) 1,507km WNW 1y 9m 9d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
20-12-1996 |
Copt Point, Folkestone: 51°5'N 1°12'E (Kent) 1,480km WNW 2y 5m 28d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
13-03-1997 |
Copt Point, Folkestone: 51°5'N 1°12'E (Kent) 1,481km WNW 2y 8m 19d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
01-08-1997 |
Copt Point, Folkestone: 51°5'N 1°12'E (Kent) 1,481km WNW 3y 1m 10d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
21-11-1997 |
Copt Point, Folkestone: 51°5'N 1°12'E (Kent) 1,481km WNW 3y 4m 30d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
12-03-2005 |
Copt Point, Folkestone: 51°5'N 1°12'E (Kent) 1,481km WNW 10y 8m 18d (Map) |
Second-year |
03-08-1999 |
Le Portel: 50°42'N 1°34'E (Pas-de-Calais) France |
FS34288 |
Alive (ring read in field) |
18-08-1999 |
St Helen's: 50°41'N 1°6'W (Isle of Wight) 188km W 0y 0m 15d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
15-07-2000 |
Foreland, near Bembridge: 50°41'N 1°4'W (Isle of Wight) 185km W 0y 11m 12d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
29-07-2001 |
St Helen's: 50°41'N 1°6'W (Isle of Wight) 188km W 1y 11m 26d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
24-04-2002 |
Elms Farm, Pett Level: 50°55'N 0°41'E (Sussex) 67km WNW 2y 8m 21d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
14-04-2010 |
Pett Level: 50°54'N 0°40'E (Sussex) 67km WNW 10y 8m 11d (Map) |
The following birds moved the greatest distance within Britain & Ireland (more than 100km): |
EL01231 |
Nestling |
08-06-2005 |
Hamford Water, near Little Oakley: 51°53'N 1°13'E (Essex) |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
11-02-2008 |
Youghal: 51°57'N 7°51'W (Cork) 622km W 2y 8m 3d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
04-09-2008 |
Holy Island: 55°40'N 1°49'W (Northumberland) 466km NNW 3y 2m 27d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
18-03-2009 |
Maydays Marsh, West Mersea: 51°48'N 0°57'E (Essex) 21km WSW 3y 9m 10d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
28-07-2009 |
Holy Island: 55°40'N 1°49'W (Northumberland) 466km NNW 4y 1m 20d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
27-09-2009 |
Holy Island: 55°40'N 1°49'W (Northumberland) 466km NNW 4y 3m 19d (Map) |
EW48369 |
Nestling |
13-06-2010 |
Hamford Water, near Little Oakley: 51°53'N 1°13'E (Essex) |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
10-12-2010 |
Ballycotton Bridge, Larne Lough: 54°47'N 5°43'W (Antrim) 562km NW 0y 5m 27d (Map) |
EG55101 |
Nestling |
28-06-2002 |
Copeland Bird Observatory: 54°41'N 5°32'W (Down) |
Caught by ringer |
15-05-2006 |
Zandvliet: 51°22'N 4°18'E (Antwerpen) Belgium 753km ESE 3y 10m 17d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
17-04-2009 |
Badminston Gravel Pit, near Fawley: 50°48'N 1°21'W (Hampshire) 515km SSE 6y 9m 20d (Map) |
ET85485 |
Nestling |
30-05-2001 |
Hamford Water, near Little Oakley: 51°53'N 1°13'E (Essex) |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
27-01-2002 |
Millbrook, Torpoint: 50°21'N 4°13'W (Cornwall) 416km WSW 0y 7m 28d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
10-12-2003 |
Millbrook, Torpoint: 50°21'N 4°13'W (Cornwall) 416km WSW 2y 6m 10d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
27-12-2004 |
Millbrook, Torpoint: 50°21'N 4°13'W (Cornwall) 416km WSW 3y 6m 27d (Map) |
ET85483 |
Nestling |
30-05-2001 |
Hamford Water, near Little Oakley: 51°53'N 1°13'E (Essex) |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
16-06-2001 |
Hamford Water, near Little Oakley: 51°53'N 1°13'E (Essex) 0km 0y 0m 17d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
15-08-2001 |
Le Portel: 50°42'N 1°34'E (Pas-de-Calais) France 134km S 0y 2m 16d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
11-07-2003 |
Torbay: 50°24'N 3°34'W (Devon) 372km WSW 2y 1m 11d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
09-11-2003 |
Slapton: 50°17'N 3°39'W (Devon) 384km WSW 2y 5m 10d (Map) |
The following birds ringed in Britain & Ireland have been found abroad (countries with 5 or fewer such recoveries): |
EG41030 |
Nestling |
13-06-2001 |
Rat Island, River Colne, near Brightlingsea: 51°49'N 0°58'E (Essex) |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
13-03-2006 |
Cambrills: 41°4'N 1°3'E (Barcelona) Spain 1,195km S 4y 9m 0d (Map) |
EL51798 |
Nestling |
08-06-2006 |
Belmont Reservoir: 53°38'N 2°30'W (Lancashire) |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
08-04-2007 |
Pinto Landfill, Madrid: 40°16'N 3°38'W (Madrid) Spain 1,488km S 0y 10m 0d (Map) |
EL51799 |
Nestling |
08-06-2006 |
Belmont Reservoir: 53°38'N 2°30'W (Lancashire) |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
12-11-2006 |
Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel: 37°44'N 25°40'W Azores 2,508km SW 0y 5m 4d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
29-03-2007 |
Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel: 37°44'N 25°40'W Azores 2,508km SW 0y 9m 21d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
30-11-2007 |
Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel: 37°44'N 25°40'W Azores 2,508km SW 1y 5m 22d (Map) |
EP10708 |
First-year |
31-01-2003 |
Copt Point, Folkestone: 51°5'N 1°12'E (Kent) |
Caught by ringer |
18-05-2007 |
Pionierinsel Luhe, Elbe, Grunendeich: 53°34'N 9°36'E (Bremen & Stade) Germany 634km ENE 4y 3m 17d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
10-12-2008 |
Kensington Gardens, London: 51°30'N 0°11'W (Greater London) 107km WNW 5y 10m 9d |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
17-02-2009 |
Kensington Gardens, London: 51°30'N 0°11'W (Greater London) 107km WNW 6y 0m 17d (Map) |
EP74563 |
Adult |
27-01-1996 |
Landguard Point, Felixstowe: 51°56'N 1°19'E (Suffolk) |
Alive (ring read in field) |
20-12-1998 |
Stratton Hall, Levington, near Ipswich: 52°0'N 1°16'E (Suffolk) 8km NNW 2y 10m 23d |
Caught by ringer |
25-05-2001 |
Kreekraksluizen: 51°27'N 4°15'E (Zeeland) The Netherlands 209km ESE 5y 3m 28d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
13-02-2002 |
Stratton Hall, Levington, near Ipswich: 52°0'N 1°16'E (Suffolk) 9km NNW 6y 0m 17d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
16-03-2002 |
Zandvlietsluis: 51°20'N 4°17'E (Antwerpen) Belgium 216km ESE 6y 1m 17d |
Caught by ringer |
31-03-2002 |
Berendrecht: 51°20'N 4°19'E (Antwerpen) Belgium 218km ESE 6y 2m 4d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
31-12-2002 |
Stratton Hall, Levington, near Ipswich: 52°0'N 1°16'E (Suffolk) 9km NNW 6y 11m 4d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
21-07-2005 |
Copt Point, Folkestone: 51°5'N 1°12'E (Kent) 95km S 9y 5m 24d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
18-09-2005 |
Stratton Hall, Levington, near Ipswich: 52°0'N 1°16'E (Suffolk) 9km NNW 9y 7m 22d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
14-01-2006 |
Stratton Hall, Levington, near Ipswich: 52°0'N 1°16'E (Suffolk) 9km NNW 9y 11m 18d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
03-02-2007 |
Stratton Hall, Levington, near Ipswich: 52°0'N 1°16'E (Suffolk) 9km NNW 11y 0m 7d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
10-04-2009 |
Molfsee: 54°16'N 10°4'E (Schleswig-Holstein) Germany 639km ENE 13y 2m 14d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
08-12-2010 |
Stratton Hall, Levington, near Ipswich: 52°0'N 1°16'E (Suffolk) 9km NNW 14y 10m 11d |
ES88283 |
Nestling |
05-06-2000 |
Pett Level: 50°54'N 0°40'E (Sussex) |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
19-02-2006 |
River Tagus, Seixal: 38°39'N 9°7'W (Estremadura) Portugal 1,563km SSW 5y 8m 14d (Map) |
The following birds ringed abroad have been found in Britain & Ireland (countries with 5 or fewer such records): |
First-year |
27-10-2002 |
Mandal Havn, Mandal: 58°1'N 7°28'E (Vest-Agder) Norway |
5132711 |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
24-11-2002 |
Finstown: 59°0'N 3°8'W (Orkney) 625km WNW 0y 0m 28d |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
30-01-2003 |
Finstown: 59°0'N 3°6'W (Orkney) 623km WNW 0y 3m 3d (Map) |
Nestling |
11-06-1997 |
Cunovo, Bratislave: 48°2'N 14°13'E (Bratislava) Slovakia |
EX49457 |
Alive (ring read in field) |
08-06-1998 |
Seaforth, Liverpool: 53°28'N 3°1'W (Merseyside) 1,352km WNW 0y 11m 28d |
Alive (ring read in field) |
15-06-2001 |
Dungeness: 50°55'N 0°55'E (Kent) 1,012km WNW 4y 0m 4d (Map) |
Adult Female |
08-05-1999 |
Piestany: 48°36'N 17°49'E (Nitra) Slovakia |
EX54685 |
Alive (colour marks seen) |
30-01-2009 |
Southend-on-Sea: 51°32'N 0°42'E (Essex) 1,263km WNW 9y 8m 22d (Map) |
Nestling |
23-06-1998 |
Babin Island, Chernoe More: 46°9'N 32°8'E Ukraine |
M753733 |
Alive (ring read in field) |
17-05-1999 |
Seaforth, Liverpool: 53°28'N 3°2'W (Merseyside) 2,643km WNW 0y 10m 24d (Map) |
Nestling |
10-06-1994 |
Margherita Di Savoia: 41°24'N 16°5'E (Foggia) Italy |
TA4530 |
Alive (ring read in field) |
14-01-1999 |
Great Yarmouth: 52°36'N 1°44'E (Norfolk) 1,649km NW 4y 7m 4d (Map) |
Nestling |
06-07-2002 |
Salina Di Cervia: 44°14'N 12°19'E (Ravenna) Italy |
TC006344 |
Alive (colour rings seen) |
10-04-2007 |
Pett Level: 50°54'N 0°40'E (Sussex) 1,144km NW 4y 9m 4d (Map) |
ADULT PLUMAGE (3+CY) January - December |
Mediterranean Gull adult Paris ?24398? January 03 2002, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult Praha ?E.15800 January 03 2002, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult E 99V January 03 2002, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult 39V January 03 2002, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull R03V January 2010 & August 2012, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult PHK2 January 2010 & August 2011, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 7cy 3J84 January 04 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 13cy EX51003 January 13 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 93A January 15 2012, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 97A (was J20) 22CY, January 18 2014, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 37A0 February 21 2015, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 6AY February 06 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull 5cy 2AY February 06 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult 219 February 06 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult 8AT February 06 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult 3CW3 February 06 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult K51 February 06 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult K88 February 07 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult K42 & 3JP5 February 07 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult 17M February 07 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). Group of adult. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 963 February 07 2003, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull 4cy 3V57 February 24 2009, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 4cy / adult R02S February 27 2008, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 31H6 March 06 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 7cy 3P07 March 08 2008, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult R18U March 2010 & December 2011, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult AALH December 2007 & March 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult, March 16 2003, Boulogne/Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult, March 17 2003, Boulogne/Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult, March 18 2003, Boulogne/Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult March 28 2008, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 4cy UK41 April 18 2010, Conchil le Temple, Pas-de-Calais, France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. From Ukraine. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 33AE May 12 2020, Total - Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 30HH May 12 2020, Total - Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 31HH May 12 2020, Total - Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 2X9H May 12 2020, Total - Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Mediterranean Gull adult H6W6 May 12 2020, Total - Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Mediterranean Gull adult RN83 ay 12 2020, Total - Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Mediterranean Gull 4cy 0M5 May 14 2011, Antwerpen, Belgium. Picture: Pim Wolf. |
Mediterranean Gull adult AEST May 24 2008, Pionierinsel, Germany. Picture: Matthias Haupt. |
Mediterranean Gull adult AHHK June 03 2011, Terneuzen, the Netherlands. Picture: Pim Wolf. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 3CV5 June 08 2012, Scheveningen, the Netherlands. |
Mediterranean Gull adult PAN2 July 06 2014, Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 4CY 32LV July 06 2014, Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 6CY 7S9 July 08 2014, Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 2cy & 4cy 2S2 July 2010 & July 2012, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 4cy R12R July 13 2012, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 6cy 3S21 July 18 2008, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 4cy HNN5 July 26 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 13cy 40Z July 28 2008, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 14+cy E544 29 July 2012, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 7cy R04X July 29 2012, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 78U & R246 July 28-30 2001, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 731 July 30 2001, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull adult PHK1 August 01 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 16cy 3E13 July & August 2012, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 37H0 August 02 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult YHE7 August 06 2009, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 2A09, August 09 2004, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 41N, August 09 2004, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 60Z August 10 2004, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 8AJ August 10 2004, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 50A August 10 2004, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 4HV August 10 2004, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull 33T9 August 12 2014, Le Portel, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult YHE7 August 06 2009, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 13CY K59 August 13 2014, Le Portel, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 13CY K38 August 14 2014, Le Portel, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult PHK2 January 2010 & August 2011, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 18cy YHA4 August 30 2011, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 176 August 25 2012, Le Portel, France. |
Mediterranean Gull ALLT August 28 2014, Le Portel, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull E927193 August 28 2014, Le Portel, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull E911855 August 30 2014, Le Portel, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult, October 24 2002, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,1.34E). |
Mediterranean Gull adult 35J1 October 25 2008, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture:Ies Meulmeester. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 3V97 October 25 2008, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture:Ies Meulmeester. |
Mediterranean Gull adult PHH2 November 07 2011, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 37H3 November 09 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 5cy YHJ4 November 30 2009, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult PJU7 November 30 2009, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult 3L03 December 03 2009, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 7cy PHE4 December 03 2009, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult PHY8 December 15 2011, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull 4cy R11U December 16 2011, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult R18U March 2010 & December 2011, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |
Mediterranean Gull adult AALH December 2007 March 2010, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |