Herring Gull (argentatus) 2nd cycle (2CY) December 04 & 18 2010, Peterhead, Scotland. Picture: Chris Gibbins.Visit Chris's blog! Interesting bird, a second winter Herring Gull with a tail pattern extremely like an American Herring Gull L. smithsonianus. The rump and ventral barring however were not as one would ideally like on a smithsonianus (i.e. not dense enough for a bird on this side of the Atlantic); also, the feather patterns on the wing coverts and scapulars were not like the most distinctive (identifiable) type of smithsonianus and the body plumage, though nice and dark, was too blotchy. Nonetheless, an interesting bird. above: 04 December. Tail wholly dark except for a few small white spots on the outer 2 tail feathers. In my opinion this tail pattern is easily within the range of that seen in second winter smithsonianus (though of course this does not mean it is one). Note the undertail covert barring - black bars wider than white base. Also the underwing coverts are a rather uniform chocolate brown, as is the body. Heavily barred upper tail coverts visible here, mirroring the undertail coverts. |