American Herring Gull (smithsonianus)

(last update: October 30, 2015)

Amar Ayyash (US)
Bruce Mactavish (Canada)
Dave Brown (Canada)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

American Herring Gull 3rd cycle (4CY) A60 March 14 2007, Stevenson compost, Tompkins Co, NY. Picture: Kevin McGowan.

Visit Kevin's Picasa site!

Hatched 2004 on Appledore Island, now in 3rd cycle (4CY). Densely barred GC, largely dark central TT and much black in tail.

The overarching, long-term goals of this study are to understand the interactions between Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls, their population trends in the Gulf of Maine, and the effects that these two species have on coastal marine communities of New England. READ MORE.