American Herring Gull (smithsonianus) adult X03 / ZE June 2012 & February 2014, Island of Newfoundland & Tompkins Co, NY.As part of a larger study, Alex and his colleages put wing tags on 37 adult Herring Gulls on Gull Island in the Witless Bay Seabird Ecological Reserve off Newfoundland’s Avalon Peninsula. The tags are beige with black codes like “X07" or "X29". The birds were also fitted with the black-on-orange colour bands that have been used in Newfoundland for many years. We know from other band returns that Newfoundland’s breeding Herring Gulls range from southern Labrador to the Carolinas. Any resights can be reported to the Bird Banding Office/Bird Banding Lab (www.reportband.gov), or directly to me at alex.bond@usask.ca. Photos, anecdotes, and stories of the birds are most welcome! Alex Bond, University of Saskatchewan. below: American Herring Gull (smithsonianus) adult X03 / ZE June 07 2012, Island of Newfoundland. Picture: Alex Bond.At the nest. below: American Herring Gull (smithsonianus) ZE / tag X05 adult, February 15 2014, Tompkins Co, NY. Picture: Chris Wood.In winter on a NY landfill. |