American Herring Gull (smithsonianus)

(last update: October 30, 2015)

Amar Ayyash (US)
Bruce Mactavish (Canada)
Dave Brown (Canada)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

American Herring Gull (smithsonianus) adult, November 14 2004, Monterey Bay, California, USA. Picture: Jeff Poklen.

See this website by Jeff, showing West coast birds mostly.

This West coast bird is in adult plumage, although a few dark markings are visible in the lesser primary coverts and possibly on the centre of one of the innermost secondaries (possible sign of younger adult). Bold winter streaking. Complete W-pattern on P5 and a black on P4. P6-P8 do not show an obvious 'stepped' bayonet pattern on the edge of the outer-web.