Larus armenicus

(last update: 24-1-2011)

Amir Ben Dov (Israel)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

adult armenicus: September

Primary Moult Scores (PMS) in adult armenicus

On 13 September 2010, Larus armenicus were checked at Maagan Michael, Israel by Amir Ben Dov. Compared to August, there is an increase in the number of gulls now at this place, all together about 450 - 500 birds, with still 90% non-adults.

In the sample of 46 adult birds, 5 individuals showed black on the new P3. In this same group of 46 birds, 4 individuals showed a pale iris (class "from very pale to moderate pale", so still with dark spots on the pale background) and all other birds had a dark iris.

Moult scores in adult L. armenicus at Maagan Michael, 13 September 2010:

  • P3/P7 (P4-60%, PMS=20+)
  • P3/P7 (P4-40%, PMS=20+)
  • P3/P7 (P4-60%, PMS=20+)
  • P3/P7 (P4-80%, PMS=21+)
  • P3/P7 (P4-70% P5-60%, PMS=23+)
  • P4/P7 (P5-70%, PMS=25+)
  • P4/P7 (P5-80%, PMS=25+)
  • P4/P7 (P5-30%, PMS=23+)
  • P4/P8 (P5-40%, P6-20%, PMS=26+)
  • P4/P8 (P5-40%, PMS=25+)
  • P4/P8 (P5-60%, PMS=25+)
  • P4/P8 (P5-80%, P6-20%, PMS=27+)
  • P4/P8 (P5-80%, P6-50%, PMS=28+)
  • P4/P8 (P5-50%, P6-30%, PMS=26+, wings different scores)
  • P5/P8 (P6-50%, P7-20%, PMS=30)
  • P5/P8 (P6-50%, PMS=29+)
  • P5/P8 (P6-50%, PMS=29+)
  • P5/P8 (P6-60%, PMS=29+)
  • P5/P8 (P6-70%, PMS=30+)
  • P5/P8 (P6-80%, P7-20%, PMS=31, S1-50%)
  • P5/P9 (P6-70%, PMS=31+)
  • P5/P8 (P6-70%, PMS=30+)
  • P5/P9 (P6-90%, P7-50%, P8 missing, PMS=33, S1-50%)
  • P5/P8 (P6-50%, PMS=29+)
  • P5/P9 (P6-70%, P7-20%, PMS=32+)
  • P5/P9 (P6-90%, P7-20%, PMS= 32+
  • P5/P8 (P6-50%, PMS=30+)
  • P5/P8 (PMS=27+)
  • P5/P9 (P6-50%, P7-20%, PMS=31+, S1-50%)
  • P5/P8 (P6-60%, PMS=29+)
  • P6/P9 (PMS=32+, S1-50%)
  • P6/P9 (P7-50%, PMS=34+)
  • P6/P8 (PMS=31+, right foot missing)
  • P6/P9 (P7-30%, PMS=33+)
  • P6/P9 (P7-20%, PMS=33+)
  • P6/P9 (P7-70%, PMS=35+, S1-S3 missing)
  • P7/P9 (PMS=36+, S2-S4 missing)
  • P7/P9 (P8-80%, PMS=39, S1-S3 missing, possibly 'near-adult')
  • P7/P9 (P8-60%, PMS=38, S1-S3 missing, possibly 'near-adult')
PMS in adult armenicus, 13 Sept 2010 at Maagan Michael.
Old & new primaries. Scores: Amir Ben Dov.
n= 39

Renewed Primaries:

average: 4,9
95% CID (Confidence Interval of the Difference): 0,3580
Variance (s2): 1,22
SD (s) 1,10
SE (sx) 0,18

Percentages new fully grown:
P1-P3: 13%
P1-P4: 21%
P1-P5: 41%
P1-P6: 18%
P1-P7: 8%.

Retained (old) Primaries:

average: 1,9
95% CID (Confidence Interval of the Difference): 0,2373
Variance (s2): 0,54
SD (s) 0,73
SE (sx) 0,12

Percentages old retained:
P7-P10: 21%
P8-P10: 46%
P9-P10: 33%.

On 20 September 2010, Larus armenicus were checked again at Maagan Michael, Israel by Amir Ben Dov. Now the group consisted of 75 adults and about 200 juveniles.

Moult scores in adult L. armenicus at Maagan Michael, 20 September 2010:

  • P3/P8 P4-P5-50%, P6-P7-missing, Black from P4, Mirror P9+P10 PMS; (3x5)+(2x4)+(2x1)+(3x0)=25
  • P4/P7 P5-80%, P6-20%, Black from P5, Mirror P10
  • P4/P8 P5-90%, P6-P7 missing, Mirror P10, Black from P5 PMS; (4x5)+(1x4)+(2x1)+(3x0)=26
  • P5/P8 P6-20%, Black from P5, Mirror P9+P10 PMS; (5x5)+(2x1)+(3x0)=28
  • P5/P8 P6-80%, P7-missing, S1-50%, Black from P3, Mirror P9 (very very small) +P10 PMS; (5x5)+(1x4)+(1x1)+(3x0)=30
  • P5/P8 P6-70%, P7 missing, mirror P10, Black from P4, S1-50% PMS; (5x5)+(1x4)+(1x1)+(3x0)=30
  • P5/P8 P6-60%, P7-missing, Black from P4, Mirror P10 PMS; (5x5)+(1x4)+(1x1)+(3x0)=30
  • P5/P8 P6-80%, P7-missing, S1-80%, Black from P4, Mirror P10 PMS; (5x5)+(1x4)+(1x1)+(3x0)=30
  • P5/P9 P6-80%, P7-20%, mirror on P10 only, S1-50%, PMS; (5x5)+(1x4)+(1x2)+(1x1)+(2x0)= 32
  • P5/P9 P6-90%, P7-P8 missing, S1-S2 missing, Black from P4, mirror P10 PMS; (5x5)+(1x4)+(2x1)+(2x0)=31
  • P5/P9 P6-80%, P7-25%, P8-missing, S1-20%, Black from P4, Mirror P10 PMS; (5x5)+(1x4)+(1x2)+(1x1)+(2x0)=32
  • P6/P9 P7-50%, P8-missing, S1-50%, Black from P4, Mirror P10 PMS; (6x5)+(1x3)+(1x1)+(2x0)=34
  • P6/P9 P7-50%, P8-missing, S1-90%, S2-S5 missing, Black from P5, Mirror P10, PMS; (6x5)+(1x3)+(1x1)+(2x0)=34
  • P6/P9 P7-70%, P8-missing, Mirror on P9+P10, Black P3 (small patch on OW) PMS; (6x5)+(1x4)+(1x1)+(2x0)=35
  • P6/P9 P7-8 missing, Mirror P10 only, Black from P4, S1-80%, S2-S3 missing PMS; (6x5)+(2x1)+(2x0)=32
  • P6/P9 P7-60%, P8-missing, Black from P4, Mirror P10 PMS; (6x5)+(1x3)+(1x1)+(2x0)=34
  • P6/P9 P7-80%, P8 missing, Mirror P9+P10, Black from P5, S1-S4 new, S5 missing PMS; (5x5)+(1x4)+(2x1)+(2x0)=31
  • P6/P9 P7-50%, P8-missing, S1-50%, S2-S4 missing, Black from p4, Mirror-P10 PMS; (6x5)+(1x3)+(1x1)+(2x0)=34
  • P7/P9 P8-80%, P9-P10 old, Mirror P10, Black from P5 PMS; (7x5)+(1x4)+(2x0)=39
  • P7/P10 P8-95%, P9-20%, S1-50%, S2-S4-missing, Black from P4, Mirror P9+P10 PMS; (7x5)+(1x4)+(1x1)+(1x0)=40
  • P7/P10 P8-90%, P9-missing, S1-S18 missing, Black from P5 PMS; (7x5)+(1x4)+(1x1)+(1x0)=40
  • P7/P10 P8-80%, P9-missing, S1-S3 missing, Black from P5 PMS; (7x5)+(1x4)+(1x1)+(1x0)=40
  • P7/P10 P8-40%, P9-missing, S1-60%, S2-S3 missing, Black from P5, PMS; (7x5)+(1x2)+(1x1)+(1x0)=38
  • P8/P10 P9-30%, P10-old, Mirror P9+P10, Black from P6, S1-S2 missing PMS; (8x5)+(1x2)+(1x0)=42
  • P9/- P10-90%, S1-S10 +/- missing, Black from P6 PMS; (9x5)+(1x4)=49
  • Sub Ad. P6/P9 P7-70%, P8-missing, Black from P4, Mirror P10 Pms; (6x5)+(1x3)+(1x1)+(2x0)=35
  • Sub Ad. P7/P0 P8-70%, P9-20%, P10-missing, S1-S6 missing PMS; (7x5)+(1x4)+(3x1)=41
  • Sub Ad. P8/P10 P9-missing, S1-S4 missing, Black from P5 PMS; (8x5)+(1x1)+(1x0)=41
  • Sub Ad. P6/P10 P7-80% P9-missing, S1-60%, Black from P4, eye-paler PMS; (6x5)+(1x4)+(2x1)+(1x0)=36
  • Sub Ad. P7/P9 P8-60%, S1-S4 missing, Black from P5, Mirror P10 PMS; (7x5)+(1x4)+(2x0)=39
PMS in adult armenicus, 20 Sept 2010 at Maagan Michael.
Old & new primaries. Scores: Amir Ben Dov.
no old
n= 25

Renewed Primaries:

average: 5,8
95% CID (Confidence Interval of the Difference): 0,5461
Variance (s2): 1,75
SD (s) 1,32
SE (sx) 0,26

Percentages new fully grown:
P1-P3: 4%
P1-P4: 8%
P1-P5: 32
P1-P6: 28%
P1-P7: 20%
P1-P8: 4%
P1-P9: 4%.

Retained (old) Primaries:

average: 2,0
95% CID (Confidence Interval of the Difference): 0,3753
Variance (s2): 0,83
SD (s) 0,91
SE (sx) 0,18

Percentages old retained:
P7-P10: 4%
P8-P10: 28%
P9-P10: 44%
P10: 20%
no old: 4%.

Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P7 fully grown, P10 old. Pale iris.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P3 fully grown, P7-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P4 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P7-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P4 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P3 fully grown, P7-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P4 fully grown, P7-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P7-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P3 fully grown, P7-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P3 fully grown, P7-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P4 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P4 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P4 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P9-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P8-P10 old. Rectrices moulting.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P8-P10 old. Rectrices moulting.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P8-P10 old. Secondaries & rectrices moulting.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P4 fully grown, P8-P10 old.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old. Secondaries & rectrices moulting.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old. Secondaries & rectrices moulting.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old. Secondaries moulting.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old. Secondaries and tail moulting.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P5 fully grown, P9-P10 old. Secondaries and tail moulting.
Larus armenicusLarus armenicus adult September 13 & 20 2010 Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. P6 fully grown, P8-P10 old. Secondaries moulting.