Coordinators: Amir Ben Dov (Israel) Mars Muusse (Netherlands) armenicus 1cy July armenicus 2cy Jan armenicus 3cy Jan armenicus sub-ad Jan armenicus adult Jan |
Larus armenicus adults, 15 October 2010, Maagan Michael, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. Adult armenicus at the beach. Bird with no old primaries in the wing: P10 has been dropped as well. This is the final stage of the complete moult. Simultaneously, birds finish the moult in the rectrices and finally the gap in the central secondaries will close as well. Common moult stage by mid October is: P7 fully grown, with no old primaries left. Here: P8 fully grown, (same length as P7), P9 halfway and P10 at 30%. Tail feathers replaced and fully grown. Gap in the central secondaries almost closed (S1-S13 replaced). This bird nicely illustrates the moult sequence in the secondaries: one wave starts in the outer secondaries (next to P1) and progresses inwards towards the body. Another moult wave is initiated from the tertials and runs outwards. The two wave meet at S16-S18 approximately.